Auto Save MS Office Documents to SkyDrive aka Office Web Apps


Our default understanding of a

cloud storage desktop app

is that we have to move the files and folders (manually) into the application folder to synchronize them across computers or web services. While our perception is correct to some extent, there is always a way to eliminate manual efforts.

We have previously shown how one can configure his or her desktop or any folder location like My Documents to Dropbox for seamless syncing. Today we will tell you how to set the default MS Office save location to SkyDrive cloud storage.

This means that the documents we work on will always be available on all our computers configured with SkyDrive and also on its web interface (no need to do it manually every time you create a new Excel or Word or PowerPoint document).

Steps to set default save location for SkyDrive

In the steps below, we will show you how to change the default settings in MS Word. The same steps apply to MS Excel and MS PowerPoint.

I assume that you have SkyDrive installed on your machine and are familiar with SkyDrive’s interface, features, and connectivity with Windows Live ID.

Step 1: Navigate to the SkyDrive folder and copy the location URL. Make a note of it as you will need it in the following steps.

Drive location in the sky

You may want to have a separate documents folder or separate folders for each of MS Word, MS Excel, and MS PowerPoint in the SkyDrive folder. So you might consider creating new directories, in which case you’ll need to write down the URL for that particular location.

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Directory structure

In my case it was C:\Users\Sandeep\SkyDrive\Documents\MSWord.

Step 2: Start MS Word and click the . icon office button placed at the top left of the interface. Towards Word option (or Excel Options or PowerPoint Options).

Ms Word option

Step 3: On Word option dialog box appears, select Rescue on the left pane. This will display the section containing the default save actions.

Option to Save Ms Word

Step 4: In the Save Document tab you will find default file location (similar to C:\Users\Sandeep\Documents\). Replace this with what you noted in Step 1. Click Alright and you will be done.

Customize save options

Note: You can do the same installation with other apps like Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. We choose SkyDrive because it is a Microsoft product and combined with Microsoft Office Web Apps. So you will also be able to work on your documents in the browser.


With this setting, you will be able to access your documents anytime, anywhere. If you are online, you can rely on MS Office Web Apps. If your device does not have MS Office installed or does not have the SkyDrive application, you can still rely on MS Office Web Apps. For everyone else and while offline, you can work on your machine while automatic syncing happens from time to time (when connected to the internet).

Will you work this out? Tell us about your experience or any similar tricks you can think of.

Categories: How to

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