How to Effectively Search Multiple Search Engines on Windows

We usually search on multiple search engines when doing some research. Different search engines will give you different results for your queries. In addition, you can search efficiently on Google and Bing using special query strings like title to search for specific string in title and minus sign to exclude specific strings from the results. Well, it’s tedious to type these queries every time you search. However, we have an effective solution for this. It will help you search easily and efficiently across multiple search engines on your Windows PC.

Efficient search on multiple search enginesA little effective search software | shutter


Correct. It’s a strange name. But, the output is totally worth it. NooG is a lightweight software that will help you search efficiently on Google, Bing and Wikipedia. It’s just a 1 MB Windows freeware. But, it works like a charm. Go to the app.

As soon as you open the app, you’ll get a search bar. I would recommend disabling collapsed view first. Click on the hamburger bar on the right and uncheck Compact view. This will give you three search engines on top of the search bar. You can use this search bar as a normal search bar and enter your queries.

On clicking the down arrow you will get an advanced search option where the beauty of it lies. You have different options to choose from. You can choose a browser, then choose your search engine appearance, country, language, time period, and best of all, file type.

Noog . Advanced Search

You can even search for specific strings. In the search engine your string will be replaced to “letter” to search for an exact phrase. And, you can even truncate the results by excluding specific strings. Here is a screenshot of Google search results with Hacker applied interface and target domain include.

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Noog Search Results 1

It supports all common document file types available in search results.

Noog . file types

You can even save an entire search session with the fields filled in. Just click Rescue top button. Enter a filename and it will be saved with .noo file extension that you can open from the application. Also, in the top right corner of every field, you’ll have a pin button. Clicking on it will save the field value. So every time you open the app you will have those defaults added to the advanced search.

You also have customization options for the app. You can change the background color and make it transparent to your liking.

Another nice feature available is History. It tracks each and every search result and shows you all the results as a database table.

History of Noog

Looking at the downside, there’s no option to minimize the search bar and it’s always on top of every window. However, you can move it around.


NooG is a great lightweight windows application for efficient search on different search engines. Other search engines like DuckduckGo are expected in future updates. Let us know what you think about NooG in the comments and if there is any other similar software for efficient search on multiple search engines.

Categories: How to

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