How to Manage and Customize Controls on OnePlus Buds

While Android offers customization on many fronts, it lacks a built-in headphone control panel. You can only change the codec, rename the headset, or grant/deny access to contacts in the Bluetooth device settings. However, there is a way to manage and reconfigure your OnePlus Buds through an app called HeyMelody.

Developed by Oppo, its parent company, HeyMelody’s support extends to OnePlus as well as Oppo’s wireless headphones. You can customize touch controls, modify headset operation, etc. Read along to understand how it works.

Why HeyMelody instead of the official OnePlus Buds app?

OnePlus Buds app

Well, if you take a look at the apps on the PlayStore, there are apps made by Samsung, Nothing, and even OnePlus. Yes, there is an app developed by OnePlus — but the only problem is that you can’t access the app even though it’s installed.

This is a particular issue and it doesn’t work on OnePlus devices either. Therefore, you will have to resort to the HeyMelody app to manage the controls.

Customize Touch Controls on OnePlus Buds Using the HeyMelody App

Here’s how to personalize the touch controls on your OnePlus headset.

Step 1: Open the Bluetooth menu in the Settings app.

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Open the Bluetooth menu in the Settings app

Step 2: Make sure the headset is paired with your device.

Make sure the headset is paired with your device

Note: I used the OnePlus Buds Z for this tutorial, but you can use any pair of Oppo or OnePlus true wireless earbuds. The same procedure should work.

Step 3: Open the HeyMelody app.

Open the HeyMelody app

Step 4: Click Agree and continue to accept the terms of use.

Click Agree and continue

Step 5: Now, tap Add.

Click More

Step 6: Click Settings to grant location permissions.

Click Install

Step 7: Select ‘While using the app.’


Step 8: Click Add again.

more back

Step 9: Select your device by tapping the connection in the device list. Mine is the OnePlus Buds Z as shown in the picture.

Device connection

Step 10: You should go to the main interface of the application. To customize the controls, tap the Earbuds Controls tab. Select the left/right earplug.

Step 11: Now add your favorite controls with their respective triggers. (The Z bud allows only double taps and offers four options as shown in the picture)

Select Controls

After completing the above steps, you will be able to control music playback easily and enhance your listening experience on your OnePlus headphones! You can also update the firmware of your earbuds through this app. We recommend doing this if you encounter any problems.

Manage OnePlus Buds with the HeyMelody App

In addition to customizing touch controls, the HeyMelody app provides an overview of your headphones. It has an easy to use and intuitive interface. Here is everything else you can use this app.

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1. Device information

You can see the battery level of both the headset and the carrying case. This is quite useful because the default battery level indicator on Android doesn’t provide much information. So you can now leave the house knowing the exact battery level, ensuring the battery doesn’t die when you’re out and about.

Device Information

2. Firmware Update

Most bugs on earbuds are fixed with a firmware update. When using the HeyMelody app, you can click on the Firmware Update section to check if an update is available.

Firmware update

Once you find an update, you can check the description to see what it adds and some possible fixes.

3. Device Management

You can also quickly disconnect or remove the headphones from the HeyMelody app and pair them manually later.

Device Management - Disconnect or Remove

4. Check supported devices

In the HeyMelody app, you can also view the list of supported devices through this app. First you need to click on the introduction.

Support device

Then click support device to check the list of all devices.

List of devices

As mentioned earlier, this app supports Oppo and OnePlus earbuds. So the list also provides the distinction between the two.

Control playback on OnePlus Buds with ease

Here’s everything you need to know about the HeyMelody app and how to customize the controls on the OnePlus bud. After following the steps above, you can control the music playback of your choice. Once you get used to the interface of the app, you can also manage your headphones much more efficiently.

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