How to Improve Casino Fortune

The element of luck has always been central to casino gaming. Whether they’re good luck charms, special rituals, or specific numbers and colors, most casino players have something they believe will bring them good fortune. However, one burning question lingers: Does this view hold any truth?

To provide you with answers, this article explores the science of luck in iGaming and the secrets it holds. Read on to learn about the facts and strategies that can help make your fortune turn around.

Superstitions and Magic

Studies show that various factors play a part in the phenomenon we call luck, from the theory of probability to cognitive biases. Given that the former is much more straightforward, let’s discuss the more controversial topic first — superstitions. 

Over the years, players have devised numerous techniques in hopes of increasing their fortune at a casino. These strategies might lack scientific backing, but their success makes them worth considering. There are thousands of examples of huge casino winnings whose foundation can only be attributed to luck. 

You can find a few of the most common and effective superstitions below:

  • Lucky numbers and colors
  • Talismans and charms 
  • Positive thinking and manifestation
  • Special rituals
  • Beginner’s luck

The best part about charms and superstitions is that they’re free. Next time you decide to play in a casino, give one of these a try.  Put on your lucky shirt or remain optimistic when it’s your turn to play — you have nothing to lose.

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Casino and Game Choice

Something you can do to help your luck in a casino even before you start playing is to choose the right operator and game. 

Be it sweepstakes or traditional sites, trustworthy casinos are the foundation for successful gaming. Choose a respectable and user-centered platform like, and you’ll have fair chances of scoring a win, whatever game you’re playing.

Opt for skill-based titles like poker or blackjack, and your luck is sure to increase. You’ll have room to gain an advantage by planning ahead. Research popular strategies and tactics put the most appealing to the test in virtual free-to-play settings, and learn from your and other players’ mistakes. If you give yourself enough time and remain committed, you’ll have a decent shot at landing a prize.

RTP and Volatility

Those who prefer something more straightforward than poker should choose games by their house edge, RTP, and volatility.

  • House edge is the built-in advantage the casino has over the player. The lower it is, the better your winning chances will be in that particular game. Still, that percentage can change depending on your choice of strategy and special features at play. Focus on navigating these nuances to maximize your success.
  • RTP or, Return to Player, is the percentage of coins the casino will give back to players over a longer gaming haul. The higher it is, the better your chances of winning rewards will be.
  • Volatility represents the frequency and variance of wins and losses within a game. Higher volatility games offer larger but less frequent wins, while lower volatility ones grant more regular wins but smaller prizes.
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The right combination of these three factors is bound to improve your luck at winning any casino game.

Bonuses and Promotions

While there’s no direct connection between casino promotions and luck, you can create one if you make the right bankroll decisions. The best gaming sites offer welcome and ongoing deals that help players boost their coin reserves.

Use them to test various releases, learn about their house edge, RTP, volatility, and special features, and make sure to practice. Afterward, it’ll be easier to choose the right title to play, hone your gaming skills, stack the deck in your favor, and let luck work for you.

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