What Does ops Mean on Instagram?

Wondering what ops means on Instagram?

Maybe you saw it on an Instagram story from someone you follow.

Or maybe you saw it as a caption on someone’s post.

Either way, you might be wondering what ops stands for on Instagram.

In this article, you will learn what ops mean, how to use it, and how to respond to ops on Instagram.

By the end of the article, you will be able to know its definition and proper usage.

Table of contents

  1. What does ops mean on Instagram?
  2. How do you use ops?
  3. How do you use op on Instagram?
  4. How do you respond to activities on Instagram?
  5. Examples of op
  6. Frequently asked questions
  7. Conclusion

What does ops mean on Instagram?

active on Instagram

Ops means opinion or opinion about me on Instagram.

Ops should not be confused with OP (Original Poster), OOP (Out of Place) or Oops (Expression of Surprise) as they are completely different acronyms.

An acronym, “Ops” means opinion or opinion about me on social media.

It is often used on Instagram stories (e.g. “doing ops”).

The acronym, “Ops” is often used by teenagers on Instagram stories.

For example, it’s often used as text on Instagram stories, such as “work”.

This means that the person is giving or accepting another person’s opinion (based on the context provided).

“Ops” is similar to “tbh” where people are encouraged to share personal and honest opinions about what they feel about others.

Ops are also popular on “Ask and Answer” platforms such as Ask.fm and Tellonym.

However, its use is more prominent on Instagram stories than on other platforms.

It gained popularity around 2016 to 2018 but is less commonly used now.

Therefore, the next time you see the acronym “Ops” on Instagram stories, it means that the person is offering or accepting the opinions of others.

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How do you use ops?

Tellonym's activities

You can use social ops by adding it to your story or asking questions to solicit other people’s opinions.

Method #1: Post an Instagram story that says “Ops on me” to ask your followers for their opinion of you.

Usage #2: Ask someone “Ops on x” (e.g. Ops on Jane Doe?) on “Ask and Answer” platforms like Ask.fm/Tellonym for their opinion of someone /anything else.

Also, you can use it in chat (when you’re chatting with someone) to ask them for their honest opinion on something.

You can also use op on “Ask and Answer” platforms like Ask.fm and Tellonym to ask people their opinion on something.

In Tellonym, users will often ask one person for their opinion of another (e.g. Ops on Jane Doe?).

In Ask.fm, users will title their posts “Feedback Lovers” to give their opinion on people who like their posts.

For Instagram, you can post an “Ops on me” story to ask your followers for their opinion of you.

Alternatively, you can question someone on Ask.fm/Tellonym about their opinion of someone/something.

An example of a question would be, “Ops on x” (e.g. Ops on Jane Doe?).

How do you use op on Instagram?

How to use op on Instagram

There are two ways to use op on Instagram.

You can post a story with the acronym, “Ops” to ask your followers’ opinion about you, or use it in a chat message to ask the person’s opinion about someone or something.

You can post an Instagram story that says “Ops on me” to ask your followers for their opinion of you.

Alternatively, you can use ops when directly messaging someone on Instagram to ask their opinion about someone or something.

For example, if you’re posting a story with an acronym, you should add a piece of text that says something along the lines of, “Ops on me”.

This is used to ask your followers for their opinion of you.

On the other hand, when you’re directly messaging someone on Instagram, you can use the phrase “Ops on x?” (e.g. Ops on Jane Doe?) to ask them for their opinion of someone or something.

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If you want to post an Instagram story, you can add a Question Sticker to it and type “Ops on x”.

When followers see your story, they can tap the sticker and reply to it.

Here’s how you can add Question Sticker activity to your Instagram story:

  1. Go to your Instagram feed and tap the camera icon in the upper left corner of your screen.
  2. On the left sidebar, tap “Aa” to access Instagram Create.
  3. On the bottom carousel, swipe left until you find the Question Sticker.
  4. Tap Question Label and enter your own question (ex: Ops on me).
  5. Tap “Your Story” to post it to your story.

After you post a story, you can see everyone’s responses in your audience list (no one can see it but you).

Adding Question Labels to your story is a great way to encourage people to answer that question.

This is because it helps people to respond seamlessly as it is just one tap on the sticker.

How do you respond to activities on Instagram?

How to respond to ops on Instagram

Recently, did you see an Instagram story asking, “Ops on me?” or something along the lines of it?

Or maybe someone directly texted you a message that said, “Ops on x?” but you don’t know how to respond to it.

To respond to activities on Instagram, simply share your honest opinion about the person or thing they mention.

You can respond to Instagram activities by sharing your honest opinion about the person or thing they refer to.

For example, if someone’s Instagram story reads, “Helping very much,” you can simply respond with your opinion about them.

You can describe their personality, character, appearance, etc. (for example, “I think you are a good person”).

It’s best to give a positive opinion about the person, even though a negative opinion is meant to be honest.

Remember, what you do or say on social media can have a powerful impact on someone.

That being said, saying something negative can hurt the person emotionally.

So if you’re thinking of responding with something negative, try to offer constructive criticism instead.

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Examples of op

Instagram Story: Ops on me?

Tellonym: Works on Jane Doe?

Ask.fm: People who love getting op.

Frequently asked questions

What does ops mean on Snapchat?

On Snapchat or Snapchat Stories, ops means opinion.

Snapchat activity stories represent opinions.

If someone’s story says, “Ops on me,” it means they want others to respond with an honest opinion about them.

What does ops mean on Yubo?

When someone submits information about Yubo, it means they want your honest opinion about them.

The X for activity on Yubo is mainly used for people to rate/review you.

On the other hand, the X for activity on Yubo is mainly used for people to rate/appreciate you.


There are many meanings to the acronym, “Ops”.

In the context of social media platforms like Instagram, Ask.fm or Tellonym, ops stands for opinion.

The use of ops invoking other people’s opinions about someone or something, this creates an opportunity for people to share their thoughts.

While ops is used to get someone’s honest opinion on something, the person using it in their stories/messages may not like negative feedback.

Finally, it’s best to respond to campaigns with something positive to avoid burning bridges.

This is except ops of something or someone else.

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Author: Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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