How to Hide Your Following List on Instagram

Your follow list on Instagram shows who you are following.

If your Instagram profile is set to public, other users will be able to see your follow list.

They can do so by going to your profile and tapping “Following”.

However, other users won’t be able to sort your watchlist—only you can.

If you are private, you may want to hide your followers or watchlist.

On social media platforms like TikTok, you’ll be able to do so in your privacy settings.

Unlike TikTok, Instagram doesn’t have “Who can see your watchlist?” privacy feature.

Therefore, you need to use another method to hide your watchlist.

In this guide, you will learn how to hide your followers and followers on Instagram.

How to hide your follow list on Instagram

To hide your follow list on Instagram, you need to go to your profile and open the menu.

After you open the menu, navigate to your privacy settings and make your account private.

On social media platforms like TikTok, you can set your watchlist to “Only Me”.

This will prevent other users from seeing your following list.

Unfortunately, Instagram does not have the same feature as TikTok.

Therefore, the only way you can hide your watchlist is to make your account private.

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By making your account private, your followers and watchlists will be hidden from other users.

However, your followers can still see them.

Here are 5 steps to hide your follow list on Instagram:

  1. open menu
  2. Go to your settings
  3. Tap on “Privacy”
  4. Transfer your account privacy
  5. Tap on “Switch to Private”

1. Open menu

Instagram menu

The first step is to open the menu.

To get started, open Instagram and log into your account if you’re not already logged in.

After accessing Instagram, you need to visit your profile.

To do so, tap your profile picture on the bottom navigation bar.

This will open your Instagram profile.

In the top right corner of your Instagram profile, you’ll see a menu icon (burgers).

Tap the menu icon to open the menu.

2. Go to your settings

Instagram settings

After you tap the menu icon, the navigation menu opens.

The menu contains several options.

This includes “Settings”, “Storage”, “Your Activity”, etc.

To hide your watchlist, you need to navigate to your settings.

To do so, tap “Settings” to go to your settings.

3. Tap “Privacy”

Instagram privacy settings

After you tap on “Settings”, you will get to your settings.

On the settings page, you will have many options.

This includes “Notice”, “Business” and “Privacy”.

To hide your watchlist, you need to navigate to your privacy settings.

Tap “Privacy” to go to your privacy settings.

4. Transfer your account privacy

How to hide your follow list on Instagram

After you tap on “Privacy”, the privacy settings will open.

In the privacy settings, you will be able to control your privacy.

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This includes your account privacy, interaction, and connectivity.

Under the “Account Privacy” heading, you’ll see an “Account Private” option.

Now, you need to enable the “Private account” option.

To do so, tap the “Private Account” switch to enable it.

5. Tap “Switch to Private”

How to hide followers on Instagram

After you tap the switch, the navigation pane opens.

The navigation pane asks if you want to switch to a private account.

When you switch to a private account, only your followers can see your photos and videos.

In addition, your followers and watchlist will be hidden from other users.

Specifically, when someone visits your profile, they won’t be able to tap to see your followers and watchlist.

However, this won’t change who can message, tag, or mention you.

Tap on “Make Private” to make your account private.

You have successfully hidden your follow list on Instagram!

How to hide followers on Instagram

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and tap the menu icon.
  2. Tap on “Settings”.
  3. Tap on “Privacy”.
  4. Enable “Private Account”.
  5. Tap on “Switch to Private”.

After you switch to a private account, your followers will be hidden from other users.

You can switch back to a public account at any time.


If you want to hide your followers and watchlist from those who don’t follow you, you can follow the instructions above.

However, if you want to hide your followers and watchlist from specific people, you can block them.

To do so, you need to visit their Instagram profile.

Once you’re on their profile, tap the three dots in the top right corner.

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Finally, tap “Block” to block them.

When you block someone on Instagram, they won’t be able to find your profile.

Therefore, they will not be able to know who you are following on Instagram.

Currently, there is no feature that makes it possible to hide your follower list on Instagram without switching your account from public to private.

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