Walmart Retail Associate Assessment Answers

Completing the Walmart Retail Associate Assessment is required to be considered for employment.

The estimated time you need to take to complete the assessment is about 20 to 30 minutes.

To start, you need to accept the terms of use and select the device that you’re using.

The sections include working with others, verifying product info, your story, and your approach.

The final section contains a survey where you’ll have to tell Walmart about your experience.

In this article, you’ll learn the Walmart Retail Associate Assessment answers to get hired by Walmart (Sam’s Club Hourly Test).

Walmart Retail Associate Assessment Answers

Tip: Press CTRL + F on your keyboard and search for the question you’re looking for.

Work with Customers/Members and Associates

Question: Your team is working hard, but they’re all less experienced than you and don’t complete their tasks as quickly. What would you be most and least likely to do?

Answer: Most – Offer to help others complete their tasks. Watch them work and give them some tips that might help them.Least – Reach out to your manager to discuss the situation. Try to find the best way to help the new associates.

Question: Your newest coworker is not as productive as other members of your team. You and your coworkers have to work harder to make up for this. What would you be most and least likely to do?

Answer: Most – Ask her how the job is going. Let her know you’re there to help.Least – Talk to your supervisor about the situation. Suggest that this might not be the best role for your coworker.

Question: Your shift’s productivity is slow because one person isn’t doing his share. The rest of the team is getting upset. What would you be most and least likely to do?

Answer: Most – Ask your struggling coworker if there’s any way you can help because he seems slower today.Least – Talk about the problem with another team member to see what they think.

Question: You’re working with an experienced associate. He insists on doing the task a certain way, but you know there’s a more efficient approach. What would you be most and least likely to do?

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Answer: Most – Tell him you’d like to learn more about his approach. Explain that you have other ways to do the task that have worked well in the past.Least – Your coworker’s approach works just fine. Do the task his way to avoid upsetting him.

Question: It’s busy at the bakery counter, and a loyal customer/member stops you to chat. As he’s talking, you notice another customer/member nearby who needs help. What would you be most and least likely to do?

Answer: Most – Tell him that you’d be happy to keep talking right after you help the other customer/member.Least – In order to keep him happy, allow him to continue his story until he is finished.

Verifying Product Information

Tip: For each item below, select Match or Error based on the product information in the computer.

Question: Great Value Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, 48 fl oz.


In ComputerMatchError
Unit Price$2.97
On hand12
Sales floor14

Question: Strawberries Members Mark 2 LB


In ComputerMatchError
Unit Price$4.32
Quantity2 LB
Item #749772 B
Sale Price$4.32



In ComputerMatchError

Tell Us Your Story

Tip: It’s recommended that you answer these questions honestly based on your work experience instead of copying the answers below.

Question: What is the longest amount of time you have stayed with one employer (i.e., one organization)? (Treat military experience as one employer, and treat temporary assignments as one employer).

Answer: 2-5 years.

Question: How long did you stay (or have been) with your most recent employer?

Answer: 6 months-1 year.

Question: If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor rate your customer service skills compared to others?

Answer: The very best.

Question: If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor rate the quality of your work compared to others?

Answer: The very best.

Question: If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor at work rate your verbal communication skills compared to others?

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Answer: The very best.

Question: If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor at work rate your attendance compared to others?

Answer: The very best.

Question: If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor rate your drive to become a top performer compared to others?

Answer: Extremely high.

Question: If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor rate your ability to get to work on time compared to others?

Answer: The very best.

Question: In your most recent job, how many times per year did you miss work without first telling a supervisor?

Answer: None.

Question: If contacted, how would your most recent supervisor rate your performance compared to others?

Answer: The very best.

Question: What’s the longest time you’ve worked for any single employer?

Answer: Three years.

Question: For how many different employers have you worked full-time in the last five years?

Answer: 1 or 2.

Question: What’s your level of education?

Answer: Select your highest level of education.

Question: How much total time have you worked in retail.

Answer: 3 to 10 years.

Question: What’s the most important factor to you in choosing a job?

Answer: Select an honest answer.

Question: How many jobs have you quit without giving any notice?

Answer: None.

Question: Which of the following are you best at?

Answer: I am excellent at all of these.

Question: Which one of the following would you be most comfortable doing?

Answer: Very comfortable doing any of these.

Question: How would you rate your ability to learn and adapt to new technology?

Answer: The very best.

Describe Your Approach

Question: I am precise in my work.

Answer: d) Most like me.

Question: I am at my best when the pace is very fast.

Answer: a) Most like me.

Question: I set very high performance standards for myself.

Answer: d) Most like me.

Question: I’m fully confident in my ability to tackle difficult problems.

Answer: d) Most like me.

Question: I easily adjust plans when priorities shift.

Answer: a) Most like me.

Question: I do my best to avoid mistakes when trying something new.

Answer: a) Most like me.

Question: Work should be as perfect as possible the first time around.

Answer: d) Most like me.

Question: I enjoy face-paced, hectic days.

Answer: d) Most like me.

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Question: I am motivated by extremely challenging goals.

Answer: d) Most like me.

Question: I can handle whatever comes my way.

Answer: a) Most like me.

Question: I easily adapt to constantly changing priorities.

Answer: d) Most like me.

Question: I expect myself to get things perfect the first time.

Answer: a) Most like me.

Question: It is critical to take the time to ensure the accuracy of one’s work.

Answer: d) Most like me.

Question: I work best in a fast-paaced work environment.

Answer: d) Most like me.

Question: Success is what drives me in my work.

Answer: d) Most like me.

Question: I have full confidence in my ability to succeed.

Answer: a) Most like me.

Question: It’s easy for me to adapt when plans change.

Answer: a) Most like me.

Question: I do my best to prevent mistakes when trying a new task.

Answer: a) Most like me.

Feedback About Your Experience

Question: The assessment provided me with a better understanding of the Retail Associate role.

Answer: Strongly agree.

Question: Based on my experience, I would gladly tell my friends about employment opportunities at Walmart/Sam’s Club.

Answer: Strongly agree.

Question: Did you have any computer problems during the assessment?

Answer: No problems.

Question: Compared to other companies you have applied to in the last 12 months, how much time do you believe the whole Walmart/Sam’s Club application process has taken?

Answer: About the same.

Question: Overall, the Walmart/Sam’s Club application process was easy to complete.

Answer: Strongly agree.

Further reading

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Categories: How to

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