Using Chrome’s New Bookmarks Manager or Switching Back

Chrome has been testing the new Bookmark Manager for a while now, and it’s finally here at the most crucial moment. The new version is available in the final build of the latest public channel.

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And the first reactions are not really excellent. Bookmarks Manager is heavily influenced by Material Design. I’m not a huge fan of MD, especially on the web.

Furthermore, Material Design is not the only problem. That’s how information is displayed. Like Google’s new Calendar app, you now get less information in the same amount of space as before.

But there are some ways to make it better. If you don’t want to, you can go back to the old Bookmark Manager view, at least for now.

Get the most out of the New Bookmark Manager

The new Bookmarks Manager relies heavily on displaying images. And that doesn’t work here. It sounds good in theory; you can preview the header image, but normally you are bookmarking the web page not the web page. And just picking a random image from the web isn’t going to help anyone.

So here are some tips for living with the new Bookmark Manager.

Open Bookmarks Manager and click the . button Gear icon. From See section, switch to List. There’s still a lot of wasted space here but it’s so much better. You are no longer looking at random photos.

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One kind of cool feature in the new Bookmark Manager is auto folder. You can only access them from the Bookmarks Manager view, but if you’re not someone who meticulously creates folders for bookmarks and instead has 600 bookmarks in the bookmarks bar, this feature is for you. for you.

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It automatically breaks down web pages and web pages into categories like E-Books, iPhone, Design, Tutorials, etc – based on the type of bookmarks you have.

Get back the old Bookmarks Manager

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Type chrome://flags in search and search Enable advanced bookmarks. From the dropdown select Handicapped then relaunch Chrome. You are now back in the old Bookmark Manager.

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Small review

I think the new Bookmark Manager isn’t all that bad. Visual cues for things like searching through bookmarks and editing them are a lot clearer. There are advantages to having everything big and shiny.

See if you can get used to it. You will probably have to. When you bookmark content, just make sure you choose a good image for the header. Because sometimes it chooses low resolution logos for the website and you really don’t want to look at that.

Tips for bookmarking your site

What are some of your bookmarking tips? You mark sparse? Or no control? Do you use bookmarks as a read-later service? Share with us in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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