Using BitTorrent to Sync Files Between iPhone, Mac, Windows

Bit torrent sync reviewUp until now, we have mainly relied on third-party services for all our file synchronization needs. Services like Dropbox and Google Drive are both great options for syncing files across devices, but they have some downsides. For starters, they all have limited storage and you have to pay if you want more. Then we have the security and privacy issues that services like this entail.

On the other hand we have bittorrent clients which, although away from the App Store for quite some time, have started to appear and now offer a great alternative to sync services mentioned above because they do not suffer from the shortcomings of those services. .

BitTorrent Sync is one of these best bittorrent clients and in this section we show you how to use it to set up your own file sync solution between your iPhone (or other mobile device) and your Mac or Windows PC.

Ready? Let’s go.

First of all, download and install the BitTorrent Sync app on both your iPhone and on your Mac or Windows PC. Here is the download link for iOS and here is the link for your computer or other devices.

Note: I’m using a Mac for this example, but the steps are mostly the same for a Windows PC.

Step 1: When you first install BitTorrent Sync, you will notice that it uses something called “secret”. This is nothing more than a simple word for the verbose password authentication that the service uses to protect your synced folders.

Bit Torrent Sync Home Directory Mac1

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Secret bit torrent sync

Once you’ve set up the app on your Mac, you can start moving files into the folder you’ve specified to sync. Any changes to the contents of that folder will show up on the BitTorrent Sync panel.

Bit Torrent Sync folder before file

Bit torrent sync file in folder

Bit Torrent Sync folder after file

Step 2: Next, you need to sync your Mac with your iPhone or other mobile device that has the BitTorrent Sync app installed.

To do so, on Folder tab of the application’s control panel, right click on your folder and select Mobile device connection options. This will bring up a small panel with a QR code containing your folder secret that allows your iPhone to simply scan it instead of you having to enter it manually.

Bit Torrent Sync Connect to Mobile

Bit Torrent Sync Qr

Step 3: On your iPhone or other mobile device, open the BitTorrent Sync app and tap the first tab named Sync at the bottom. There, touch Add sync folder button, select Scan QR preferences and scan the QR code on your Mac screen.

Bit Torrent Sync Add sync folder Bit Torrent Sync Scan Qr

Once you’re done, the BitTorrent Sync folder will appear on your iPhone as shown below.

Bit Torrent Sync folder is ready

Step 4: On your iPhone, tap the blue arrow next to the folder and make sure it’s on Automatic sync ABOVE.

Bit Torrent Sync Auto Sync On

Once you do, all the content between the folder on your Mac and the folder on your iPhone will be synced as long as the app is running on both devices. Even large files like movies are synced without issues or storage limitations, which is definitely a plus for this type of application.

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Sync bit torrent file sync

Bit Torrent Sync sync speed Sync bit torrent files

All in all, I found BitTorrent Sync a pleasant surprise. Apple has been removing bittorrent apps from the App Store for a long time, but it looks like they are loosening up their rules a bit, which is a great thing in this case. Files syncing seamlessly, incredibly fast, and most importantly, all using your own network instead of a third-party service, making things a whole lot more secure.

Categories: How to

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