How to Create an Original Pin on Pinterest

Pinterest is our go-to app for all kinds of inspiration needs. Be it fashion, quotes, travel ideas or home decor, we find all sorts of great images on Pinterest.

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Sometimes we even want to post on Pinterest. But when it came to adding our pins, we were lost. That’s because unlike other social apps, the add pin button in Pinterest is a bit hidden for beginners and in an awkward position for casual users.

So, if you’re looking to add your images to Pinterest, you’re at the right place. Here you will learn how you can add your own pins, what types of pins are supported, and other similar things. Start.

What is a Pin?

For those who don’t know, Pinterest is made up of pins. All the images and videos you see on Pinterest are called pins. So if you had to add an image on Pinterest, it would be called adding a pin. To categorize pins, Pinterest provides boards. You can create various boards to categorize your pins, such as bridal gowns, cushions, life quotes, etc. Learn the difference between pins and boards.

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Types of Pins You Can Create on Pinterest

In addition to images, you can upload both videos and GIFs to Pinterest. Pin specs vary from image to GIF.

How to post on Pinterest

There are three ways to upload your photos to Pinterest.

  1. Add images manually
  2. Add by link/web
  3. Add with browser button

1. Upload photos to Pinterest manually

Here’s how to create separate pins for both regular users and business accounts.

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Create Pins on Mobile Apps (Android & iOS)

Step 1: Open the Pinterest app and tap the Saved tab at the bottom.

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Step 2: Click the plus sign present at the top.

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Step 3: Select Pin from the menu. You can tap Table to create a table first. But that’s not necessary as it can also be done later.

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Step 4: You will see the images available from the selected folder on your phone. Tap the image to select it and tap Next. If you want to change the folder, tap the folder name at the top. And if you want to add a new photo, use the camera icon.

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Step 5: Title your pin and write a meaningful description. You can even add a destination website (more on this screen below).

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Step 6: Click Create table to create a new table. Give it a relevant name so it’s easily recognizable. By default, the table is public. So anything you add to them will be visible to everyone. To make it private, turn on the switch next to Keep panel secret.

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You can even add collaborators. That’s helpful for brands that need more people to manage their boards on Pinterest. Tap Create to save the pin to this board.

Create a Pin on the Pinterest Website

Step 1: Open the homepage of the Pinterest website and click the more icon in the lower right corner. Select Create Pin from there.

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Step 2: On the pin maker screen, drag and drop the image to the required location or click on the image to upload it from your computer.

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Step 3: Add a relevant title and describe it in the given boxes. Click the box next to ‘Save’ to select and create a new table.

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Create a Pin on a Pinterest Business Account

On the main Pinterest app screen, tap the Create icon at the bottom. Select Pin from the menu. The remaining steps are the same as mentioned above for a regular account.

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On the website, open the Pinterest home page and click the Create Pin button present on the left. Alternatively, use the red add pin icon present in the top bar and select Create Pin from there.

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The remaining steps are the same as for regular users. However, business account holders get some additional benefits like post scheduling, cropping, the ability to add text and logos. All this is possible with the pin code generator feature.

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2. Create Pins from Links

Here’s how to go about it.

Add Pins from the Web on Mobile Apps

Step 1: Follow steps 1-3 from the mobile app section as described above.

Step 2: Tap the globe icon and enter the URL of the website where you want to add the pin. Tap the Search button.

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Step 3: Pinterest will load and show you the available images. Select the image and press the Next button. You can also select all available photos using the Select All button.

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Step 4: Now select an existing board or click Create table to create a new one.

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Add Pins from the Web on Websites

Step 1: Follow steps 1-2 from the web part to launch the pin maker screen.

Step 2: Click the Save button from the web page.

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Step 3: Enter the URL. Then tap the small arrow next to the box to load the image.

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Step 4: Select a photo and click the Add to Pin button.

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Step 5: Enter a title, description, and choose a board for your pin.

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3. Create a Pin with the Browser Button

Instead of manually entering a website’s URL, you can directly create a pin from any website using your browser’s buttons. Available for Chrome, Firefox and Microsoft Edge, all you need to do is click a button and it will load all the images present on the particular website. Click on the image and hit the save button.

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Importance of Title and Description Pin

As you have seen above, you will be asked to enter a title and description while creating the pin. While both are optional, they shouldn’t be left blank, especially if you have a business account on Pinterest.

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Anything you type in the title and description is searchable. So when you add relevant text, it will appear in the search results. For example, if you run a travel account on Pinterest, it makes sense to add the words solo travel, unique travel destination, etc. You should know your target audience when using keywords in the title and description. Pinterest also supports hashtags, but they are not as powerful as on Instagram or other social networks.

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Furthermore, Pinterest offers the option to direct traffic to an external link, such as your website, on the same screen where you need to enter the pin title and description. It is known as the Destination Site. Click the Add button and enter the desired link. When anyone clicks on your pin, they will be taken to that website.

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Now that you know how to add your pins to Pinterest, use your creative skills to create compelling images. Remember to add them to the relevant tables as they play an important role. It will help you as well as others who are searching for similar images.

Next up: Want to add quotes to your images? Here are 5 Android apps to write quotes on photos.

Categories: How to

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