Use Exception Conditions in Outlook For Negative Emails Rules

Outlook 2013 icon

We have talked about the prospect rule in several articles. Some tips that will help you

Organize your mail better

. However, you must have seen one thing in common: We often overlook

exception condition

and let you decide if you really need any more.

Today we prepare to tell you the importance of exceptions. In fact, we’ll show you how to use exception conditions to create negative rules.

Let’s take an example. I’m going on vacation and I often want to separate work from my personal life. So, while I could easily create an autoresponder for every email that arrives in my inbox, I really only want to do it with work emails (especially those that are cc’ed for other people). groups related to me) and still attend “just send me” emails.

Hot Tip: If you’re someone who relies heavily on Outlook’s email rules, you should consider creating a backup copy so you can always import them if you lose them in an unexpected accident.

So is there a way I can send an automatic response to all emails except those that are only sent to me? Yes, yes. I need to respond to emails sent to me and others. That is,

all emails except those sent to me only.

Here, we will take you through the steps of creating such a rule. You can apply the same approach to any negative rule you want to create.

Step 1: Navigate to Document menu on the ribbon and open it.

Ms Outlook file

Step 2: You will be taken to account information page. Click Manage Rules & Alerts icon.

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Rule Alert Management1

Step 3: Start by clicking New rules.

Rule alert dialog

Step 4: Above Rules Wizard, Start from an empty rule by choosing Apply the rule to the messages I receive. Click Next.

Rules Wizard

Step 5: You will then be asked to choose a condition. Do not make any selections here. Simply tap Next.

Select No Condition

Step 6: A warning will appear telling you that the rule will be applied to all messages. Speak, Correct.

All warning messages

Step 7: Choose an action. I wish answer with a specific form and the template has an absent response in it.

Select Move Action

Step 8: On the lower pane of the same window, click a specified pattern and browse and select the sample answer.

Choose the answer form

Step 9: Now you are taken to the exception window. Here, I will apply an exception condition except if just send me. Click Next.

Rule exception

Step 10: You are done. Complete the setup by clicking Complete.

Complete rule setting

Now, during vacation, you’ll only send automatic responses to messages that aren’t just sent to you. Interesting, isn’t it?


Think of many other situations where you need to create such negative rules. Once you figure them out and create the rules successfully, you’ll start to love Outlook rules a lot more than before.

Categories: How to

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