Sync Windows Libraries Between Multiple PCs with SkyDrive

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Windows has a set of folders called libraries that contain documents, music, photos, and videos with their respective names. Usually we save files here and can only retrieve them by opening the appropriate folder on the same computer where they were saved. While this is usually the intent, what if you often use another computer but still want files from the other computer?

We can use SkyDrive to sync libraries between multiple computers easily. Just link a library folder to a folder on SkyDrive. That way, when you open SkyDrive on another computer, the files will be there. Furthermore, if you link other computer libraries with SkyDrive, any files you save in a library on one computer will also appear on the other computer in the corresponding folder.

If this is confusing at first, don’t worry – follow the steps below and you’ll see how easy it is to sync libraries. Needless to say, since we’re doing it on SkyDrive, your files are still available in the cloud and can be accessed from any device that can connect to the internet.

Install SkyDrive

If SkyDrive is not installed, download it from this link. Once the installation is complete and on first launch, you will be asked to sign in with your Microsoft account to continue.

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Note: If you don’t have a Microsoft account to use, you can create one here.

Accept the default folder for SkyDrive and select Next.


We will sync all our folders from the SkyDrive account, but there is an option to selectively sync with the second option.

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Link library with SkyDrive

Now we have to create the appropriate folders in SkyDrive and then link them through Windows.

Step 1: Create a folder in SkyDrive named Documents, Music, Videos, And Pictureslike the default Windows folders.


Step 2: Right-click Documents folder in library and choose Property.

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Step 3: Choose Includes a folder from this properties window and then select SkyDrive Documents folder.

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Step 4: Link the default document save location is the SkyDrive folder. This is done by selecting the folder you just selected and then clicking Set save location.

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Repeat steps 1-4 for other folders: music videos, And Pictures. Also repeat Install SkyDrive as well as the steps above to link the Library folder (except recreating the folders), but this time on a different computer. Now, when a file is saved on either computer, it syncs and is saved in the usual format Pictures folders in both locations! This applies to any file saved in either location below the default location. Depending on the file size, your files will be synced to both computers shortly.

Note: Understand that files currently in library folders won’t sync with other computers. Only files added after the folder link will appear as synced items.

If you’re familiar with the Windows Server environment, think of it like a roaming profile, but instead of synchronizing files on every computer you access, it’s just the computers that have the account set up. your SkyDrive and have completed the steps above.


Synchronizing a folder between two or more computers is a kind of benefit. But when we synchronize the actual library folders that we use every day, you will feel like you are using one computer even if you use two computers. Just make sure to save your files in these library folders if you want them to sync.

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Categories: How to

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