How to Edit, Write-Protect and Backup Windows Hosts File

The hosts file specifies how web pages are accessed on the Internet. When a particular URL is entered and if the Windows hosts file contains explicit data on this URL, the browser will obey what is in the hosts file and refuse or accept the page load.


For example, if was explicitly specified in the hosts file to point to, the resulting page would be instead of The same principle applies not only to redirecting websites, but also to blocking them. You can define zero as the IP address so that when a particular web page is trying to load, the result will be an error. This is a basic method to block or redirect websites.

Editing the hosts file is usually done using Notepad. While this is a solid way to go, BlueLife Hosts Editor makes editing easier by coming with a backup function to restore the original hosts file should an error occur, as well as preserve Protect files from being edited by enabling write protection.

How the hosts file is usually edited

The hosts file is usually edited with Notepad from System32\drivers\etc folder.


The entries are added, as in line 23 above, with the IP address to be used with a corresponding URL.

Cool Tip: Learn more about editing the hosts file in this article.

Edit hosts file easily with BlueLife Hosts Editor

Editing with Notepad is the default method for changing hosts file, but BlueLife Hosts Editor uses a graphical interface for easy operation.

Download BlueLife Server Editor here.

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The files for the editor are contained in a ZIP folder, which you must first extract. Open HostsEditor file to open the editor. You can see at launch that the same items found in Notepad are all present in this user interface.


Add any website and IP address from the two main text areas. To send to a non-existent IP address, thus blocking access, enter in the first textbox and the IP is incorrect in the second. Finish by pressing the add button.


Now, every time Twitter tries to load, the result will be the IP address in the hosts file, not the actual one, thus blocking access. Make sure to save the modifications before exiting with Save changes button.


If an error occurs after changing the hosts file, there is a built-in backup function to solve this problem. Open Tools > Backup Manager to restore to the original hosts file at any time.


BlueLife Hosts Editor can enable write protection for word file hosts Option menu. Enable this feature to ensure that no one else can edit the hosts file for malicious purposes.

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Don’t be afraid to edit the hosts file just because it seems crude or sloppy. BlueLife Hosts Editor will dispel this fear as the interface is easy to understand and does everything that traditional editing does but also adds more functions like write protection and backup.

Categories: How to

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