How to Change Default Save Settings on MS Office

Every app has certain things or activities set by default. Some let you customize them, some don’t. The MS Office suite also has a lot of things set up to perform standard tasks, and fortunately we can change them according to our needs.

You must have noticed that when you write or create a new document, it saves in a specified location and in a specified format. We’re not talking about the Save As feature (which lets you choose what you want); we are talking about only Save. And if most of your requirements are the same but don’t match the defaults, you might consider changing those settings. That’s what we’ll show you in this post – change the default ‘Save’ setting on MS Office.

Let us see how to do it.

Steps to change default save settings in MS Office

In the steps below, we will show you how to change the default settings in MS Word. The same steps apply to MS Excel and MS PowerPoint.

Step 1: Click on the . icon office button placed at the top left of the interface and navigate to Word option (or Excel Options or PowerPoint Options).

Ms Word option

Step 2: On Word option dialog box appears, select Rescue on the left pane. This will display the section containing the default save actions.

Option to Save Ms Word

Note: Check the Save Document and options section below. You can change the save format and location. Interestingly, you can also modify the auto-restore settings (such as reducing the time from 10 minutes to 5 minutes and playing safer).

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Customize save options

Step 3: Choose the file format you want, edit the location (C:\Users\Sandeep\Documents\ by default) and make the changes to auto-restore if you want.

Document save format

Why consider doing this?

Well, you won’t have to mess with Save As every time you want to save a new document and customize things. Alternatively, if you just saved a document and missed its location, just navigate to the Save Document section and check the location instead of doing a random search.


If you are a regular MS Office user, the recommendation is to set your own defaults when it comes to the Save option to ensure a more productive way of working with those tools every day. On my apps I have set my own defaults. Will you do this too?

Categories: How to

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