How to Start a Streak on Snapchat

Do you want to start a thread on Snapchat?

If you are new to the app, you may have heard of the term “streak” or “streaks” before.

The record is when two people take pictures of each other for 3 consecutive days or more on Snapchat.

The more snaps sent, the longer the chain will be.

For example, if you and your friend take a picture together for 10 days, there will be a “flame” emoji with the number 10 next to it.

The number indicates how many days your streak is.

However, if you forget to send the snap to someone else for 24 hours, it will disappear.

Streaking is a great way to develop stronger bonds and friendships between two people.

However, a strong commitment from both parties is required to maintain a continuous chain.

In this article, you’ll learn how to start a chain of achievements on Snapchat in 4 easy steps and other frequently asked questions.

How to start a thread on Snapchat

To get started on Snapchat successfully, you and your friend need to send each other snapshots for more than three days in a row.

After the third day, a flame emoji (?) with a number will appear next to your friend’s username indicating how many days you have achieved the achievement.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:

  1. Requirements to start a streak
  2. Send snapshots/videos
  3. Wait for them to come back
  4. Repeat the process every day

1. Request to start a thread

How to start a thread on Snapchat

Before you can start a thread on Snapchat, you need to request it first.

Otherwise, other people won’t know if you want to start or not.

Alternatively, you can let it happen naturally.

To request a streak, you can request it via message, let it happen naturally, or add it as a story.

There are three ways to ask someone for a streak.

First, you can send a request message (e.g. Do you want to start a thread?).

This works if you’re already friends with the person or if you know them well.

If you ask the person directly, they will be more committed than if they agreed to it.

On the other hand, they can decline the offer if they don’t want to.

You shouldn’t be discouraged if someone doesn’t want to start a thread because they may not be using Snapchat as often.

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Therefore, they may not want to break records because of this.

The second way is to add a story with the text, “Streaks?”.

This is a really effective way to ask anyone you’re friends with if they want to start a thread.

If so, they may respond to your story directly.

Otherwise, they don’t have to say “no” because they can ignore your story.

This is a way to ask for less pressure because adding it to your story allows people to respond if they want.

Finally, you can start a thread spontaneously.

This is one of the hardest ways to start a chain because both parties need to send each other a daily snapshot that no one actually gives.

To use this method, you must first send a snap or wait for them to send you a snap.

If you sent them a snapshot and they sent you one back, do the same thing the next day.

If the person doesn’t respond to you, it means they don’t care about starting a thread or they don’t know if you want to or not.

2. Send snapshots/videos

Snapchat red arrow

Wait for the person to respond to you—if they don’t respond to you within 24 hours, the record won’t start.

Once you’ve found someone who wants to start a thread with you, you need to send them a quick message.

You can send them a photo or a video.

Here’s how you can send them a snap:

  1. Open Snapchat.
  2. Tap the camera icon and take a photo/video.
  3. Tap on “Send To”.
  4. Select the person to whom you want to send the snapshot (you can also select multiple users).

Snaps only work if you send them a photo/video, not a text message.

If you send them a text message, it will not be considered prompt.

Also, if you send them a photo/video from your camera roll, it won’t be considered a snapshot either.

When the snap is sent, you will see a red arrow with the status “Delivered”.

When the person opens the snap, you’ll see an “Opened” status.

A snap can also be replayed once.

If the person replays the snapshot, you’ll see the message below the photo, “x replayed your snapshot!”.

3. Wait for them to come back

Snapchat chain

To start a relationship with someone, you need to send each other a quick photo/video 3 days in a row.

Next, you need to wait for them to send you a snapshot back.

The record can only be made when both sides send each other snapshots/videos for 3 consecutive days.

So if someone else doesn’t send you a snap back, the thread won’t start.

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If a person happens to forget to send a snap before day 3 is over, you must start the thread again.

In other words, both parties must get back together for 3 days in a row.

Let’s say you sent someone an instant message and they sent you a quick message for 2 days in a row.

Before day 3 is over, one of you forgot to send the other a snap.

When the 3rd day is over, the series will start again.

So before you start a chain with someone, you need to commit to it.

If not, you need to inform the person in advance that you may accidentally damage it at any time (so that there is no discomfort).

4. Repeat the process daily

Snapchat flame emoji meaning

After you guys take pictures of each other more than 3 days in a row, there will be a flame emoji (3?) along with a number next to their username.

This number represents the number of days you have been on Snapstreak.

In order for Snapstreak to continue working, you need to take pictures of each other every day.

If you guys have been taking pictures of each other for more than 3 days in a row, a flame emoji will appear next to their usernames.

That’s when you know that you have successfully started a sequence.

Also, next to the flame emoji will be a number (eg 15?).

This number indicates the number of days you joined Snapstreak with other people.

For example, if you see a status of “15?” next to the person’s username, it means you’re on Snapstreak with them for 15 days in a row.

If there’s no flame emoji after you’ve been photographed together for more than 3 days, one of you may have messed it up.

When that happens, you need to restart the process.

If you think your streak has ended my mistake, you need to contact Snapchat to get it back.

After you have photographed each other for 3 consecutive days, you want to repeat the process (steps 1 to 3) for as many days as possible.

The more days you snap at each other, the higher the number will be.

Some people have been on Snapstreak for hundreds of days (this requires a lot of commitment).

Frequently asked questions

Can you start a thread just by texting?

No, you can’t start a thread just by messaging on Snapchat.

Snapstreak can only be started if both parties send each other snap photos or videos for more than 3 consecutive days.

A text message does not count as a snap.

Therefore, messaging will not extend Snapstreak, only snapshots/videos will.

How do you know when a streak is about to end?

When a thread is coming to an end on Snapchat, there’s an hourglass emoji (⏳) next to the person’s username.

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When you see the hourglass emoji, it means you have 4 hours left to capture them.

Otherwise, Snapstreak will crash and you have to start from scratch.

Whenever you see an hourglass emoji, it’s best to send a snap to that person as soon as possible, because your Snapstreak is coming to an end.

How do you increase your SNAP score to 1000?

To increase your SNAP score to 1000, you can add more Snap Stars and send them multiple snapshots.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how you can do this:

  1. Open Snapchat.
  2. Tap the chat icon on the bottom navigation bar.
  3. Tap the search icon on the top navigation bar.
  4. Scroll down and find “Popular Snap Stars”.
  5. Add as many Snap Stars as possible.
  6. Tap the camera icon on the bottom navigation bar.
  7. Take a photo/video and send it to all the Snap Stars you just added.
  8. Repeat step 7 until your snap point increases by 1000.

Your snapshot score goes up when you send someone a snapshot, so sending the snapshot to the famous Snapshot Stars will do the trick.


Snapstreak is the most prominent social feature on Snapchat.

No other social media platform has this feature, which makes it really unique and popular among teenagers.

Starting a relationship with someone on Snapchat can strengthen your relationship and friendship with them.

It’s like sharing a moment in your life with them everyday.

However, before you start a relationship with someone, you need to commit to it.

This is because if someone breaks a record, the other person may not be satisfied.

Therefore, it is important to inform others in advance before you break the record.

Read more

Why can I Snapchat someone but not see their score?

Does Snapchat notify when you record your screen?

Does Snapchat notify when you look at someone’s location?

Author: Lim How Wei is the founder of Followchain. Follow him on Instagram.

Categories: Social Media

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