Top 8 IFTTT Recipes That Make Reading on Pocket Amazing

Ifttt bag

Pocket and IFTTT represent the best of the internet. Open, free and extensible. You can import any type of media from any web browser into Pocket on almost any platform available. And IFTTT (If This Then That) allows you to link one service to another and offer automated actions.

Naturally, when you combine the two, the end result is amazing. If you add a lot of content to Pocket, or even if you’re just starting out, check out the list below. By the end of the article, your Pocket experience will be enhanced.

Note: If you don’t know how to use IFTTT, read our guide first. It will only take a few minutes to get up and running.

1. Put your pocket in Evernote or Google Drive

I use Reeder 2 (with Feedly) to scan through my RSS feeds. When I find something I want to read in peace, I send it to Pocket/Instapaper and when I find something I want to save for later or something I need action on, I submit it. to Evernote.

IFTTT Recipe: Save Pocket Favorites to Evernote connect pocket to evernote

IFTTT Formula: If new favorite in pocket then send pdf copy to google drive connect pocket to google-drive

2. Save it in Feedly to keep it in your pocket

If you like RSS, chances are you’ll use Feedly to get you subscriptions. Feedly has the option to share articles to Pocket but you need to go through two menus. While Save for later button located right at the top of any post. By using the recipe linked below, any articles you save in Feedly will automatically show up in Pocket.

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IFTTT Recipe: Posts saved later in Feedly are also saved later in Pocket which also connects feedly to pocket

3. YouTube or Vimeo videos for pocket

Since YouTube removed the 10-minute limit, the site has become a lot more interesting. You can watch the 3-hour debate on Evolution vs. Creationism, all kinds of documentaries or one-hour comedy specials from your favorite comic monologues. But if you don’t have time to watch something as soon as you come across it, the recipes below will help.

IFTTT Recipe: Bookmark Watch Later on YouTube and Save to Pocket!  connect youtube with pocket

After activating the YouTube recipe, click the . button Watch it later button on the video sends it to Pocket where you can watch it from any device running the Pocket app.

IFTTT Recipe: Bookmark Watch Later on Vimeo and Save to Pocket!  connect vimeo with pocket

4. RSS feed for pocket

There are all kinds of websites in this world. Some post multiple times a day and some post one great article per week. If you use RSS, you know how easy it is to lose sites with slow feeds amid heavy traffic. If you know you’re about to read a new article from your favorite slow publishing site, why not import every new article directly into Pocket? Use the recipe below and add your site’s RSS feed to get started.

IFTTT Recipe: Adding new items from an RSS Feed to a Bag Connect the feed to the bag

5. Sync Pocket and Instapaper (For Kindle Users)

If you’re like me, who has a Kindle, then you know that Instapaper is the best way for you to read articles from the web on your Kindle. I wrote an in-depth guide on how to do that. But that doesn’t mean you need to switch from Pocket to Instapaper for devices with the Pocket app. Just use this recipe and you’ll never have to log in or share to Instapaper again. All your Pocket articles will be synced to Instapaper and then to your Kindle.

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IFTTT Recipe: Save new Pocket items to Instapaper New for Kindle connects pocket to instapaper

6. A new article from Wikipedia to pocket every day

Knowledge is important. What’s more, you know more today than you did yesterday. What better place to learn something new than Wikipedia? Use one of these recipes to send featured articles from Wiki or just a random article to your pocket queue daily.

IFTTT Formula: Put a random Wikipedia article in Pocket daily #learning #wikipedia connects date-time with pocket

IFTTT Formula: Wikipedia Featured Article of the Day - src=

7. Favorite Tweets Sent to Pocket

A lot of users get their news from Twitter now. For some, Twitter has successfully replaced RSS. But not everything you find on Twitter can be read at once. After activating this recipe, when you favorite a tweet with a linked article, it will automatically show up in your Pocket queue.

IFTTT Recipe: Save links from favorite tweets to Pocket!  connect twitter with bag

8. The Best Of New York Times In Pocket

NYT Tech is one of the best places on the internet to find quality tech journalism. And the site offers more categories. Using the formula below, you can automatically submit the best NYT Tech stories to your Pocket queue (don’t forget to select Tech from the catalog section).

IFTTT Recipe: Add popular #Technology articles from #NYT to my #Pocket.  connect the-new-york-times with pocket

Bonus: Make your own recipes

IFTTT has a recipe for almost every task imaginable. But they are generalized. So, once you get used to how IFTTT works, I suggest you try and create your own recipes. You can use triggers from one service to call actions in another service.

Here’s an example: Tagging an article “Ever” in Pocket sends it to Evernote.

Play around with IFTTT and you’ll be creating amazing recipes in no time. And of course, when it comes to IFTTT, you’re not just limited to Pocket. There are many channels out there.

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Show us your recipe

Have you created a custom recipe that you’re particularly proud of? It’s not necessarily limited to Pocket. Share it with us in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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