The Genesis Order Walkthrough Guide

North Santiva is a modern city built on the ruins of an abandoned tribal town, and it holds many mysteries waiting to be discovered.

You play as a detective, with the aim of impressing his attractive boss, and the adventure begins with a murder investigation.

As you progress in your journey, you will meet many beautiful women, discover new possibilities, and face a virus that has infected the city.

This article contains detailed instructions on Genesis Order including answers to quizzes, solving puzzles, etc.

  • V. 021201
  • V.04122 – (Total 4%)
  • V.07011 – (Total 7%)

V. 021201

(6 Scenes, 2 Photos, 1 Extra)

Starting the game, you can change the MC’s name if you want. Once you name the MC (William Canmore), click ok and watch the opening scene.

Scene 1

David will chat with you before you arrive at Melissa’s Office.

You’ll chat with Melissa, then head to Eve Church.

You will meet Chloe when she comes out of Eve Church.

You will go inside and talk to Father Solomon and Sister Judy. Follow Judy to the barn.

Scene 2

You get Seraph’s Oracle.

Upon entering the Eve Church lobby, you will meet your guardian angel (Suggestion Girl) Arianna.

Received a message from Heather about your new home.

As you exit the Church of Eve, Arianna will appear and explain some things.

Go to your Home on the map and meet Heather.

When Heather leaves, Arianna will check on you again and make sure you understand a few things.

Go to Rays’ Farm and knock on the door of the house.

Scene 3

When you leave the house, Arianna will reappear and chat.

Now go to Wilkes Mansion and meet Melissa.

Scene 4

After you leave Wilkes Mansion, go to the Apartment and find Erica standing outside talking to some guy.

You will escort Erica to the station to meet Melissa.

Scene 5

After getting Erica out of the station, go to Heather’s house and go inside.

After dinner, you, Hannah, and Chloe are going to the Strip Center to hang out. You all go into the XXX store, run by a familiar face. Chloe will tell a story about her past.

Scene 6

After the story, the girls will go home for the night.

Talk to the guy standing at Dick’s Grill (Green Marker on top of him).

Go to your home and click on your mailbox to get your first paycheck of $150.

Now that you have some money, go to the store and buy a Shovel ($50).

Now that you’ve got a shovel, head into the woods to find the guy’s missing Stone Statue.

You may not find it in the exact location as illustrated below, so just walk around until you find one.

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You can also find some Clay Statues and Clay Idols.

These items will be placed in treasure chests that appear in your inventory.

Return to Strip Center and return the Stone Statue to the guy for a $200 reward.

Head back to the XXX Store and you can buy some Lisa Stonewell P*rn for $100. (Added 1st time).

In the Store you can buy Photos (1) and (2). ($100 each).

End of V.02121 – (Total 2%)

(6 Scenes, 2 Photos, 1 Extra)

V.04122 – (Total 4%)

(3 Scenes, 1 Photo, 1 Skin, 1 Trophy)

You’ll start this update by waking up in your bedroom with Arianna. You will also receive a message from Heather.

Head to the XXX Store to meet Tasha for more information on Madalyn.

Tasha is at the Warehouse picking up a shipment, go to the Warehouse to meet her.

When you reach the Warehouse, Jonathon and Tasha will come out and talk to you.

After talking to Jonathon, he will become your point of contact to sell artifacts for money.

Return to XXX Shop, Tasha will be there now and give you some more information about Madalyn.

Scene 7

When you leave the XXX Store, you’ll meet Erica. You and her will go to Dick’s Grill for a drink.

After Erica leaves, talk to the guy with the green mark above him. He will ask about a guy who is cheating on his wife.

(More on this later) now click “I don’t know, but I will find out”.

Go to Rays’ Farm and meet Carol. Chloe and Hannah.

Sue is too heavy for you to push, you need strength training, go to the Gym and meet Heather.

While you’re waiting for Heather, you’ll meet Ella Adair.

You will need some workout clothes before you can work out with Heather. Go to the store and buy some exercise clothes. In the parking lot pick up Car Fob.

Now go to the store and buy workout clothes ($50). Remember that you can now sell artifacts to Jonathon for money.

Once you’ve got your workout clothes on, head back to the gym to work out with Heather.

Scene 8

After training with Heather, you will get 1 power point.

When you leave the gym, Arianna will chat with you.

Return to the Rays’ ranch and use your newfound powers to push the parcel out of the warehouse. When you enter the warehouse, move behind the large package and you will push it out.

You will find an artifact under the package. When the girls leave the cage, push the remaining bales out of the cage.

Follow the instructions to solve the puzzle.

Sue 1 – Yes, then go down until it comes out.

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Sue 2 – Down until it comes out.

Sue 3 – Yes, then go down until it comes out.

Sue 4 – Left (x2), then down until the end.

Sue 5 – Left (x3), then down until the end.

After all the bales are out, step outside the warehouse and talk to the girls.

After Carol leaves you, Chloe and Hannah will return to the warehouse to clean up.

Scene 9

Carol will come back and chat with you and Hannah about farms becoming sites for artifact digging.

You and Hannah will chat a bit more and you will get Hannah’s contact information.

When you leave the barn and farm, Arianna will appear and chat with you.

Go to the Apartment and you will find a Wallet on the ground.

You will now have a Wallet and a Car Bag, go to the Channel 4 building.

You will see a guy with a green marker on him.

Talk to him, you will return his wallet and car fob. In return, he will give Hannah’s first Chest Key.

Also, notice the couple on the left, remember the guy’s shirt color (Blue).

Go back to Dick’s Grill and talk to the guy early on to ask about his cheating wife.

After you tell him about the shirt color. Head back to the Channel 4 building and catch up with him.

He will reward you 500$ for helping him and your intelligence will gain 1 point.

Go to Rays’ Farm and use the Chest Key you have to open Hannah’s First Chest and get Hannah’s first Kamasutra Page Craft Job (first).

Now go to the store where you choose Photo (3) ($100), you can also buy Hannah’s Booty Call outfit ($400).

Before you leave, you can buy some upgrades for the house to invite Hannah to her Loot Call.

Ending V.04122 – (Total 4%)

(3 Scenes, 1 Photo, 1 Costume, 1 Trophy.)

V.07011 – (Total 7%)

(3 Scenes, 1 Photo, 1 Extra, 1 Skin, 1 Trophy.)

You will receive a call from the station that turns out to be from Lillian.

After the phone call with Lillian, go to the apartment and catch Erica when she goes to work, you will also chat with Ella.

You and Erica are going to Wilkes Mansion. Erica is going to change for work and Lillian will come talk to you.

After chatting with Lillian, you hear gasps and go investigate.

You find Erica and one of the robed people in another area of ​​the mansion.

As you leave the mansion, you see Lillian enter the main hall and decide what to expect.

Scene 10

After that scene, you’ll get Erica’s contact information.

Arianna will appear after Erica leaves to see what just happened.

Before you leave the mansion, take the stairs to the left and talk to the guy with the green marker on his head.

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When you leave the mansion click on the tree on the left and you will find the Sliver Statue, also in the tree on the right you can pick up Erica’s first Chest Key.

Head to the Store (Look out for coins lying on the ground like in ToN) to purchase Jumping Shoes ($50), Photo 4 ($100), as well as Erica’s Loyalty Costume ($400), also available at this time.

Head to the Gym to buy a membership ($20) for more gym access. After purchasing the membership card, take the stairs on the right to enter the changing room.

You find other Jumping Shoes (you can now jump high to get items) as well as Ella’s Phone.

When you get Ella’s Phone, you’ll call her to tell her you found it.

Go to Dick’s Grill at the Strip Center to meet Ella.

Upon entering the Strip Center, you’ll see Henry and Diana talking outside the XXX Store.

Go inside Dick’s Grill and talk to Ella.

Leave Dick’s Grill and go to the XXX Store next door to talk to Tasha and Henry.

A new p*rn clip (2nd Addition) is available at XXX Shop Debra Doin’ It Doggy ($300).

Once you get out of the XXX Store, you can quickly click on the Black Cat and pick it up.

Once you have the Black Cat, go to the Apartment and return the cat to its owner for a $200 reward.

Now go to the Woods to track down Henry and Diana.

Scene 11

After talking to Henry and Diana, leave the Forest, you will receive a message from Ella.

Scene 12

After watching the video from Ella, Erica will call you about your spot meeting when she’s about to leave work.

Arianna and you will have the final chat of the update.

Go to the Apartment to find and open Erica’s 1st Chest and Get Erica’s first Kamasutra Page Dinner (2nd)

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