TFT Heartsteel Loot Table

TFT (Teamfight Tactics) is an auto-chess game developed by Riot Games.

You can deploy characters from League of Legends and battle for survival.

The game features unique characters, traits, items, augments, skins, and more.

Build your team of demons, shapeshifters, Assassins, and more.

Editor’s note: I was ranked Challenger in set 1 of TFT and peaked top 15 in the SEA region (so you can trust this article).

In this article, you’ll learn the TFT Heartsteel loot table, pool, what is it, drop percentages, cashouts, and more for all sets.

TFT Heartsteel Loot Table

0 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
4 gold50%
1x 3-cost, 1 gold25%
2x 2-cost25%

20 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
6 gold50%
2x 3-cost25%
2x 2-cost, 2 gold25%

40 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
1x random component50%
2x 3-cost, 2 gold25%
8 gold25%

60 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
3x 3-cost, 2 gold50%
1x Thieves Gloves25%
1x random component, 3 gold25%

80 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
1x random component, 6 gold50%
2x-4 cost, 6 gold25%
1x Thieves Gloves, 3 gold25%

100 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
2x random component, 1 gold40%
1x random support item30%
1x Reforger, 1x random completed item, 2 gold30%
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130 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
1x random artifact item, 1x Reforger, 3 gold25%
1x random support item, 1x Reforger, 3 gold25%
1x Tome of Traits25%
1x random completed item, 1x random component25%

160 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
1x completed item anvil, 10 gold30%
3x random component, 2 gold30%
1x training dummy with random support item20%
1x Blacksmith’s Gloves, 2 gold20%

200 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
1x random radiant item, 2x Reforger30%
1x random artifact item, 1x random completed item, 1x Reforger30%
1x Champion Duplicator, 12 gold20%
1x Tome of Traits, 12 gold20%

250 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
1x completed item anvil, 22 gold40%
1x Tactician’s Crown, 8 gold20%
2x 5-cost, 25 gold20%
1x support item anvil, 20 gold20%

300 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
2x Spatula, 2x random components25%
2x 5-cost, 2x artifact item anvil, 2x remover25%
1x Radiant Item, 1x completed item anvil, 2x Reforger25%
1x Tactician’s Crown, 16 gold25%

400 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
1x Radiant Item, 1x Reforger, 26 Gold30%
1x artifact item anvil, 1x Tactician’s Crown, 8 gold25%
1x Champion Duplicator, 44 gold20%
3x support item anvil15%
2x Zz’rot Portal, 20 gold10%

500 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
2x Warmogs, 2x Virtue, 4 gold20%
1x Radiant Item, 2x support item anvil, 1x Reforger, 1x Remover, 20 gold20%
1x Rascal’s Gloves, 1x Tactician’s Crown, 10 gold20%
4x completed item anvil, 1x Remover, 6 gold20%
1x artifact item anvil, 1x Radiant Item, 1x Reforger, 22 gold20%
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750 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
1x training dummy with 3 lockets, 20 gold20%
3x 2-star K’Sante, 3x 2-star Aphelios, 3x 2-star Yone, 3x 2-star Sett20%
5x 5-cost, 1x Tactician’s Crown, 1x Rascal’s Gloves20%
1x Radiant Item, 1x completed item anvil, 1x artifact item anvil, 1x support item anvil, 1x Remover, 1x Reforger, 13 gold20%
2x Radiant Item, 1x Champion Duplicator, 2x Reforger, 13 gold20%

1000 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
2x Radiant Itemm 2x Reforger, 1x Remover, 40 gold30%
100 gold30%
1x Radiant Item, 2x Tactician’s Crown, 1x Reforger, 10 gold30%
1x training dummy with Warmog’s Pride, Rosethorn Vest, and Dragon’s Will10%

1250 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
4x Spatula, 65 gold25%
2x Zephyr, 2x Shroud, 50 gold25%
1x Rascal’s Gloves, 1x Tactician’s Crown, 1x 2-star 5-cost, 45 gold25%
2x artifact item anvil, 2x Radiant Item, 1x Champion Duplicator, 1x Reforger, 1x Remover, 12 gold25%

1500 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
3x Zeke’s, 3x Locket, 40 gold25%
Radiant Conversion (Convert all your items into their Radiant version or receive 150 gold if you already hit this cashout)25%
4x Radiant Item, 1x Reforger, 1x Remover, 30 gold25%
2x Radiant Item, 2x Tactician’s Crown, 1x Reforger, 1x Remover, 30 gold25%

1750 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
Radiant Conversion (Convert all your items into their Radiant version or receive 150 gold if you already hit this cashout)25%
4x support item anvil, 1x Tactician’s Crown, 75 gold25%
2x Radiant Item, 2x Tactician’s Crown, 2x Champion Duplicator, 1x Reforger, 30 gold25%
2x Radiant Item, 2x Tactician’s Crown, 1x random completed item, 1x Reforger, 40 gold25%
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2000 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
4x Tactician’s Crown, 100 gold35%
2x Radiant Item, 2x Tactician’s Crown, 1x random completed item, 1x Reforger, 85 gold30%
2x Champion Duplicator, 200 gold25%
1x random 3-star 5-cost, 1x Remover10%

3000 Hearts

LootLoot percentage
2x training dummy with 3x Tactician’s Crown, all 2-star 5-cost, 8x Rascal’s Gloves30%
All Radiant Items, 1x Remover25%
2x random 3-star 5-cost, 1x Remover10%

Further reading

TFT Golden Egg Loot Table

25+ Free League of Legends Accounts

50+ League of Legends Codes

Categories: How to

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