Remove Sensitive Location Info From Photos on Mac

Mac Preview Clear location data

When it comes to photography, without a doubt, one of the most important developments in recent times has been the ability of cameras and smart devices to embed photos with all kinds of information, including the detailed location of each photo, allowing you to know the exact location of each photo. where a photo was taken.

Know your options

While this can be very convenient, in some cases it has a downside. For example, if your photos fall into the wrong hands, other parties could gain access to that sensitive information, which could be potentially dangerous.

Now, if you want to prevent this from happening and want to remove this information from your photos, you have two options:

  1. You can turn off location data on your smart device (read here to learn how to do this on your iPhone or Android smartphone).
  2. Or you can delete this information manually on your Mac, which is what we’ll show you in this guide.

What makes this method superior to any other for Mac users is that you won’t need any third-party apps or services. The only thing you need is a Mac and the super useful Preview app, which comes installed by default on OS X.

Manually delete location data

The first thing you have to do is open your photo in Preview.

Preview Image

Next, go to the menu bar and click Tools. Then choose option Show Inspector. Alternatively, you can access this option by Control + me movie off.

Preview Checker

This will display a dashboard for your photo with all sorts of important data about it. For example, you will find the date the photo was created, the date the photo was digitized, etc. depending on the tab you view. However, to remove sensitive location information, you will have to click on the GPS tab.

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Preview the main dashboard

As you can see, this tab shows very specific location information about your photo, including not only detailed coordinates but also altitude etc. Also you will find a map showing the location take a photo.

Gps Tab Info Panel Preview

What you want to do here is go to the bottom of the panel and click Clear location information button. This will permanently delete all of that sensitive location information from your photos. In fact, if you check the info panel for that photo again, you’ll notice that the GPS tab is completely gone, indicating that the photo’s information is gone.

Preview information Gps data is gone

And now you are done, you are free to share this photo or upload it anywhere without any worries.

And the best thing about this method is that it only requires basic computer knowledge. So anyone with a Mac can do it. Enjoy!

Categories: How to

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