Multitask in Chrome With an Always on Top Tab or Window


What if I told you that from today on, multitasking on Chrome will become easier? Wouldn’t that be great? The best way to eliminate switching between Chrome tabs and windows, and multitasking in the strict sense of the term, is to always have a Chrome tab or window at the top so you don’t have to navigate away from the tab you want to use. doing. improve. Picture in Picture Viewer for Chrome lets you do just that.

Get a tab that is always on top

Once you’ve installed the extension from the Chrome Web Store, you’ll have to enable pop-out console support in Chrome. To do this, open a new tab, type chrome://flags/ in the address bar and press enter. This section is like Labs for Gmail, a hub for experimental features that aren’t enabled by default.

Productivity Tip: Does the chrome:// format intrigue you? Well, you will be surprised to know that there are many such URLs that you can use to make your Chrome life easier. Here is our article on using them effectively.

Here search Turn on the control panel and enable the option. Once that’s done, restart the browser for the changes to take effect. Make sure you save everything you are doing on the browser before restarting the browser.

Turn on the control panel

Now open a web page that you want to see in the pop-up frame and copy its link to the clipboard. Then click on the Picture in Picture Viewer utility, paste the URL and press the enter button to open the window. You will see a new chrome window pop up at the bottom right of the screen. This particular window will always stay above other windows even if you are not working on Chrome.

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Add new dashboard

This method can be used on multiple websites for easy multitasking. I personally use this feature to watch YouTube videos and web episodes while working. Facebook chat also works great when opened in mobile view, and the comfort of a Google hangout without actually sticking to a single tab really boosts productivity.

The possibilities are endless. You can also play a game of chess while working on email or open a piece of code while working on your project.


Pro Tip: Always try to work on mobile-optimized sites in the Picture in Picture extension, if available. The extension supports word wrap features for easier data access while multitasking.

For quick access, you can also use a hashtag in front of the URL and launch the site directly in the frame. So type in the address bar to open YouTube in an ‘always on top’ window. You can also bookmark this link to open directly next time.

There is currently no way the user can resize the panel and drag it to a different location on the screen. You can open multiple panes at once, but opening three to four of them will use up the entire bottom area depending on the size of the screen. So that’s not recommended.


Here is a video detailing the whole process.


The Picture in Picture Viewer extension is something I’ve been waiting for for quite some time. With online services now evolving to replace our desktop tools, the ability to work on them simultaneously like different programs on the desktop is a must. However, this is still experimental and will probably get better over time.

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Top photo source: kevin dooley

Categories: How to

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