5 Time-Saving, Super Useful iPhoto Keyboard Shortcuts

Me Photo Key Shortcut

For any Mac user, iPhoto is the go-to place when it comes to organizing and enhancing your photo library. This is thanks to both iPhoto’s ability to organize all of your images and its excellent set of image editing tools.

However, just because iPhoto is already handy doesn’t mean the way you use it can’t be improved. That’s why in this section we are going to show you a list of five very useful keyboard shortcuts that you can use to be more productive with iPhoto.

Come to them.

1. Zoom In & Zoom Out

One of the most intuitive gestures every Mac owner knows is pinching and pinching on their touchpad or magic mouse to zoom in and out of the image displayed by almost any application. However, if you don’t own any of these devices, you can still rely on your old, trusty keyboard to do this task on iPhoto.

To do so, whenever you open an image on iPhoto, use the number 1 key to enlarge the image to 100 percent and the number key 2 to double that zoom.

I zoomed in on the photoI zoomed in on the photo

When you’re done and ready to go back to the way the image was originally displayed, just press Z or 0 on your keyboard to do it.

2. Import and export photos

This may seem obvious to most people, but the reality is that it’s impossible to use iPhoto if you don’t know how to upload any images to the app first. The same goes for when you’re actually done working on a photo and need to export it.

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Usually, we do both by using the cursor to click on the respective import and export options located on the application’s menu. But you can also do this right from your keyboard.

To import images into iPhoto, use Command + Shift + I shortcut, while if you use Command + Shift + Eyou should be able to export photos from within iPhoto.

I export photos

3. Choose a Master Photo for your iPhoto Album

Did you know that when you view your photo albums in iPhoto, the images that show up for each album are called ‘Main’ photos? Well, it turns out you can set any key photo you like for your iPhoto album using the keyboard, which then lets you easily spot which album you’re working on.

To do so, simply use the mouse pointer to scroll slowly across the album cover, which will display the photos in the album one by one. When you reach the photo you want to be the main photo of the album, just press the . button spacebar on your keyboard and you’re done.

Me Photo Main Photo

4. Show every detail

If you want to know every little detail about your images, iPhoto lets you show and hide all that information with a few simple keyboard shortcuts.

For starters, your photo title can be displayed using Command + Shift + UP. In the same way, you can show any hidden photo using Command + Shift + Surname.

I Photo Image No Title

Finally, if you want to see the rating you’ve assigned to any of your photos, use Command + Shift + CHEAP shortcut to do so.

I Photo Title Image

5. Rotate the photo

Rotate the image according to the same logic as zoom in and out; the task is not very intuitive if you don’t have a touchpad or magic mouse. This becomes even more inconvenient when you import new images and they are not oriented correctly.

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To avoid this and rotate any image in iPhoto right from your keyboard, use Command + CHEAP or Command + Alt + RED to rotate it clockwise or counterclockwise respectively.

I Rotate Photos

There you go! Make sure to bookmark this article so you can come back to it every time you use iPhoto. After a while, you will get used to these shortcuts and will save a lot of time. Enjoy!

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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