Make Fonts, Objects Larger, More Readable on Mac (Mavericks)

Mac readability

For modern Mac users, there are a number of situations where a larger font size on their Mac can be a big advantage. For example:

  • Have a Retina Display Macbook: These Macs have a high screen density that, although allowing for more screen real estate, can also experience readability issues due to smaller fonts.
  • Use a large-screen iMac or MacBook on a stand: In both of these cases, the Mac’s screen often sticks out more than a few inches, making the default text size harder to read as well.
  • Vision problems: I know this sounds funny, but the truth is that as we age, our eyesight deteriorates and the use of smaller fonts for on-screen reading becomes issue.

The problem here is that even with a modern operating system like Mavericks, Apple still doesn’t provide a way to change the font size that applies to the whole system, so we Mac users will take care of this.

Here’s how you can increase (and customize) the font size on your Mac to make things easier to read.

Operating system

While there’s no way to increase the font size system-wide, niche options can be found scattered across it. However, to achieve the most effective font change on Mavericks, we will have to focus on two different areas: Finder windows and elements on the screen.

Search window

The Finder window consists of two main components: The window’s contents and the sidebar.

To customize the fonts (and icons) available in Finder windows, you must open a font and then find Work icon at the top right of the toolbar. Click on it and select Show viewing options.

Finder Window Shows View Options

A new panel will display. There you can use the options at the top to change not only the font size but also the size of the icons in the window.

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Finder Window View Options 1Finder window viewing option 2

The screenshots below are from the same area of ​​the Finder window. As you may have noticed, changing these options can make a significant difference in how the window’s contents are displayed and read.

Finder Window PreviousThe Following Finder Window

Now, to make the sidebar on any window in Finder easier to read, you must first open your Mac. System Preferences. There, click overview.

General options

On the next panel, you’ll see a segment called “Sidebar Icon Size”. Choose among the options available there (Small, Medium, and Large) to change the size of the icons across all Finder windows.

Finder sidebar size

Of course, as shown below, the larger the icons, the larger the font (and easier to read).

Small sidebarMedium sidebarLarge sidebar

Desktop elements

When it comes to desktops, things are a bit easier to handle. To get started, you have to right click on your desktop and select Show viewing options.

Desktop View Options

You will then be presented with a panel where you can customize the icon sizes and fonts of the elements on the screen, which can make them as large and readable as you can. Seen in the photos below.

Install the desktop firstInstall the following desktopDesktop firstThe following desktop

Alternatively, you can also enlarge the Dock icons by selecting it on your Mac. Interest and use magnification scroll bar.

Install the dockpier size


Now that OS components are larger and easier to read, it’s time to take care of the apps on your Mac. Unfortunately, the operating system has no control over this aspect of your Mac, so you’ll have to do this on an application-by-app basis.

Now, while not all apps work the same, in most cases you should be able to customize/resize their fonts using either of these two methods:

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Open the app you want to customize and open its app Interest (usually accessible via Command + , short movie).

On some apps (e.g. Mail) you will find an option there to set a custom font size and even change the entire font to a different font, including its color. .

Mail settings

On other apps (such as Safari, Numbers, or Pages), you’ll be able to set a larger zoom level, so everything looks bigger when you open those apps.

Digital zoom

Your go. Now you’ll never have to strain your eyes while reading on your Mac. Enjoy!

Categories: How to

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