OS X Mavericks: Little-Known Finder, Dock Productivity Tips

Tips Os X Mavericks

If you’re a Mac user, you know that OS X makes life so much easier thanks to the little details that make the system so much more reliable and efficient.

However, with each new version of the system, Apple always introduces a bunch of new features that make it even better. OS X Mavericks is no exception and after you install it on your Mac, in fact, there are some cool features that have never been mentioned and are not known to users.

Here are some tips for Finder and Dock in OS X Mavericks that can enhance our daily productivity.

Assign an app to any particular desktop

The ability to have different desktops has been available on OS X for quite some time, and we can even change the wallpaper for each monitor to better recognize them. However, with OS X Mavericks, you can now even set any app to open on a specific screen.

To do this, first go to the desktop where you want to place the app and place the app you want to work on in the Dock by dragging it from the Applications folder. Then right click on it and click Option. Then in the bottom half of the next panel you will be able to choose This desktop to then set that app to open exclusively on the desktop you’re currently using.

This desktop application

This is very convenient for people who, at least like me, tend to have loads of apps open at once and don’t want to make the screen cluttered. It is also very useful if you work a lot with a particular application, such as Photoshop, and you do not want any other application to interfere with it.

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Tip: And since we mentioned the Dock, are you bored with the 3D look of the Dock on your Mac? Just move it to the side of the screen (right click on any empty space of the screen to do that) and the Dock will now show a modern, flat look.

Flat Dock

Finder Windows is much more flexible than you think

In a previous entry, we showed you how to take advantage of the new feature tab the Finder feature included in OS X Mavericks, allows you to use Finder windows as if you were dealing with any regular browser.

In that section, we explain some of the ways you can use the Finder Tab, there are a few others. For example:

  • In a Finder window, you can open any folder inside it as a new tab. Just right click on any folder and select folder Opens in a new page select.

Opens in a new page

  • If you have several tabs open in a Finder window, you can click on any of them and drag them out to create a new window.
  • Finally, let’s say you have a Finder window with a few or more tabs. You can click on any file on any of those tabs and drag it to any other file to move it. Just be sure to hold the file for about a second on the target tab until it flashes and opens, showing its contents.

Finder tab drag item

And there you have them. OS X Mavericks has certainly proven to be one of the most user-friendly and yet the most powerful versions of Apple’s operating system. And since it’s free, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t properly install it on your Mac and try out these features.

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Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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