How to Fix Inazuma Electro Arrow Puzzle Bug on Genshin Impact

Inazuma Electro Arrow Puzzle not working on Genshin Impact?

The puzzle did not work due to a known bug in the game.

If you happen to get an error, the puzzle will be unsolvable.

Many users spent a long time on the puzzle until they realized that the puzzle was faulty.

If you only try to complete the puzzle for a few minutes, you’re in luck.

This is because you will be able to fix the error sooner.

In this tutorial you will learn how to fix Inazuma Electro Arrow Puzzle in Genshin Impact.

How to fix Inazuma Electro Arrow Puzzle on Genshin Impact

To fix the Inazuma Electro Arrow puzzle on Genshin Impact, you need to log out of the game.

After logging out of the game, log back in.

By logging out and in Genshin Impact, the error will be fixed.

If the puzzle fails, the statue will not light up.

On the other hand, if the statue lights up after you interact with it, it means the puzzle is active.

Here is how to fix Inazuma Electro Arrow Puzzle error on Genshin Impact:

  1. Sign out of Genshin Impact
  2. Login to Genshin Impact

1. Sign out of Genshin Impact

Genshin Impact menu

The first step is to log out of Genshin Impact.

To do so, select the head icon at the top left of your screen.

After you have selected the top icon, the menu will open.

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On the menu you will see many icons including “Shop”, “Party setup”, “Friends”, etc.

On the left sidebar you will see other icons including camera icon, mail icon, etc

Sign out of Genshin Impact

At the bottom of the left sidebar, you’ll see an exit icon.

The exit icon looks like a door with an arrow pointing to its inside left.

Select the exit icon to sign out of your account.

2. Login to Genshin Impact

After selecting the exit icon, you will log out of your Genshin Impact account.

Now, you need to log back into your account.

To do so, tap the screen to get started.

Then, enter your username, password, and log in to your account.

Once you’ve signed out and logged in from Genshin Impact, return to the puzzle and try again.

Press “F” to summon Electrogranum.

Then interact with the statue and see if it lights up.

If the statue lights up, the Inazuma Electro Arrow Puzzle bug has been fixed.

In other words, Inazuma Electro Arrow Puzzle is working.

However, if the statue does not light up, it means that the Inazuma Electro Arrow Puzzle error is not working.

In most cases, the error will be fixed after you log out of the game and log back in.

You have successfully learned how to fix Inazuma Electro Arrow Puzzle on Genshin Impact!


Inazuma Electro Arrow Puzzle error still not fixed after you logout and login Genshin Impact?

If so, you need to wait until Genshin Impact fixes their bug.

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If that’s the case, they’ll release an update to the game to fix that.

Until then, you can try moving back and forth with your character until you find the right spot.

If you see light coming out, it means the puzzle is active.

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