How To Password Protect Running Programs and Apps Using LockThis

Lock this

Let’s say a program (for example Firefox) is open on your computer and you are doing some important (or private) activity. Now, let’s say someone, such as a friend or colleague, suddenly comes to your desk and needs to borrow your PC to get some work done.

If you don’t want the person to see what you’re doing in Firefox, closing the browser is always an option. But it’s not a perfect solution because you’ll lose work (or time, if you do a “save and exit” and then reopen everything).

A good alternative is to password protect running programs before you lend your PC to others. LockThis does exactly that. You can lock individual apps or multiple apps at once using this tool.

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How to use LockThis

1. Download and install the tool.

2. Press “Ctrl” while minimizing the application. For example, minimize the Firefox browser by pressing the “Ctrl” key. A small LockThis icon will flash in the center of the desktop. That means the Firefox browser is locked and no one can open the browser without the password.

Note: The default password is LockThis!

How to change LockThis’s default password

1. Right click on its system tray icon and select “Admin Panel”.

Admin panel

2. On the password field, enter LockThis!. This is the default password for this application.

lock this password

3. The admin panel will open. Here, you can change the default password by clicking the “Change administrator password” button. Alternatively, you can decide if you want to use a single password for all applications and change the admin password to a different password.

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If you try to close this tool by right clicking on the system tray icon it also asks for the password. Therefore, the user cannot bypass the security.

Overall, it’s a great tool to quickly password-protect what you’re doing and take the hassle out of saving and closing your work. It works well with XP, Vista and Windows 7.

Download this Key! to protect your running programs from prying eyes.

Categories: How to

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