Is Your Phone Hacked? Complete Guide to Protect Your Data on Phone

Hackers are increasingly targeting smartphones for a variety of reasons. The most prominent of which is personal data. But savvy hackers are now looking beyond this as we usher in a new financial world order. Cryptojacking is where hackers use the computing power of phones to mine cryptocurrencies.

Has your phone been hacked?

As their techniques become more sophisticated, how do you know when your phone is hacked?

Data theft, credit card fraud, or illegal cryptocurrency mining — here are some examples of what could happen if your phone is hacked. That’s why your smartphone is worth so much more than you know or even want to admit. The only problem is how to figure out what’s going on behind the scenes or the screen and stop it before the damage happens.

Let’s get started.

1. Too hot

Mobile phones often heat up while charging or when you are playing graphics-heavy games. Low-end smartphones also get hot when you watch videos for too long. However, if your phone is overheating for no apparent reason, when not in use, that’s an alarming sign.

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You need to find an app or process or many other apps running in the background without your permission. Open Settings and go to Application Manager. If an app or service is running, you’ll see a green dotted circle.

Advanced users can enable Developer Options (tap 10 times on Android build number) and check Running Service.

2. Battery drain

If you notice that the battery is draining faster than usual, then specific unwanted processes are running in the background. Open Settings and go to Battery & performance. Select Energy Usage here.

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Check which apps are draining your battery and if you remember using them recently. Also, check the app’s Battery Saver option to see which apps are active.

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You can restrict the background activity of any app by opening the app and selecting the Restrict background activity option.

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3. Install unwanted apps

Some apps installed from untrusted sources may cause you to install another Ram Cleaner or Freeing app. Sneakers install a piece of malware without your permission. If you don’t remember installing that suspicious-looking app, chances are you didn’t install it. Normally, you should read user reviews before installing any app and just use the Play Store to download it.

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Sometimes even popular apps are not secure, which makes due diligence all the more important.

4. Data usage

People don’t pay attention to their data usage when connecting to Wi-Fi, but they should. Unexplained Internet data usage is a clear sign that your phone data is being uploaded to a suspicious website, possibly a hacker’s server. Open Settings and tap Data Usage.

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You will see a list of all the applications that have used the Internet. You can switch between Cellular and Wi-Fi usage here.

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If you notice an unusual spike in data usage, see an app you don’t remember using, or think you shouldn’t be using the Internet in the first place, get rid of it.

5. Pop-up Ads

Some developers like to display pop-up ads thinking that no one will notice. Either way, if you notice random pop-up ads on your phone, you need to quickly find and remove the app. Those apps are secretly stealing your data and selling it to advertisers. If you see ads on the lock screen instead, follow our instructions to remove ads on the lock screen.

6. Slow phone

Even though smartphones come with a lot of silicone covers these days, you may still experience slow phone performance or frequent app crashes. There could be many reasons behind that, including the ones I shared above.

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Malware may be consuming system resources or conflicting with the way other apps work, resulting in your phone running slow, apps crashing, or unexplained reboots. I recommend getting rid of any apps that you don’t need or use anymore. We can be careless when installing applications. Install an antivirus app and download Malwarebytes and do a full scan.

7. Service interruption

Remember sending that weird text message or making that call to a foreign number? Are you experiencing dropped calls or network errors for no apparent reason? SIM swapping is a common tactic used by hackers.

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If you think your SIM or number has been compromised, go to your operator and ask to stop all services immediately. The operator will reissue a new SIM to you after proper investigation.

8. Scam Calls, SMS

A phishing call is a technique where a scammer will call you, usually with a sense of urgency, and try to get sensitive information from you. Most of them will ask for bank account details (to unlock your card), social security number, password or data. That information can then be used to access your accounts and then your digital life.

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Never share passwords or other sensitive information with anyone on the call, via SMS, or even messaging platforms like WhatsApp. Most Android phone users have a Google account set by default. That’s why these methods can be used to gain access to your phone remotely and disable important services.

9. Unexplained Play Store Fees

Well, you can’t always blame the kids for scratching your credit card bills. Sometimes malware or spyware applications are also responsible. These apps will request permission to access data stored on your phone.

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If you don’t remember making an app purchase or in-app purchase, or find an irregularity in your bill, your phone may have been hacked. Hackers gain access to your credit card or Play Store details. Change your password immediately and call your bank to stop authorizing any further transactions.

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Be wary

The above list is not an absolute list. It is merely an instructive checklist to help you determine if something strange is going on with your phone. Chances are, you’ll be able to spot an app or malware that’s been running in the background.

Some authentication can be of great help in protecting your phone from attack. Always follow the basics of security and privacy. Do not open links in emails or messages from random or unknown people. Change your password every few months. Read reviews before downloading the app. Use the 2FA app to secure important accounts. Avoid signing in to public Wi-Fi networks. Use a reliable VPN whenever necessary. That will cover you most of the time.

Next up: Preparing to sell your Android phone? Learn how to safely clean your phone before you sell it.

Categories: How to

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