How to Use Snap Map on Snapchat

Snapchat has always set itself apart from the competition by providing features that are unique and fun to use. One such feature is Snap Map. It’s a map intended to show the user’s Snaps location and make interaction easier. In this post, we will share everything you need to know about using Snap Map on Snapchat.

What is Snap Map?

Snap Map is an interactive map that you can use to locate your friends, see stories from all over the world, discover new places, etc. Additionally, you can also add new locations. their own stories to Snap Map for everyone to see. And it’s not just limited to your phone, but you can also explore Snap Map on a web browser.

If you’re curious to know more, read along to learn how to set up and use Snap Map in Snapchat.

How to set up Snap map

First, let’s see how you can access and set up Snap Map on Snapchat.

Step 1: Launch the Snapchat app on your Android or iPhone.

Step 2: Click the Snap Map button in the lower left corner of the screen. If you’re accessing Snap Map for the first time, Snapchat will ask for your permission before using your location. Tap Enable Location to continue.

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You will then see your Bitmoji character on the Snap Map.

Step 3: Next, tap the gear icon in the top right corner to access Snap Map settings.

Step 4: By default, Ghost Mode will be on which means none of your friends can see your location.

To share your location with friends, first turn off Ghost Mode. Next, choose whether you want to share your location with all your friends or a few of them.

If you want to stop sharing your location at any time, turn Ghost Mode back on. You can choose to enable Ghost Mode for 3 hours, 24 hours, or indefinitely.

How to use Snap Map

After setting up Snap Map, here’s what you can do with it.

Interact with friends on Snap Map

When you open Snap Map, you’ll see which of your friends are currently sharing their locations. You can tap on your friend’s Bitmoji to start chatting with them.

If you can’t locate a friend on Snap Map, you can use the search tool at the top.

Alternatively, you can also access the Friends Tray to search for your friends. Here you will also see their recent activity and stories from around the world.

See stories around you

In Snap Map, you’ll notice mini heatmaps in specific locations. They show the number of snapshots posted from that location. A blue patch means low activity, while a red patch or more intense heatmap represents a group of people posting a lot of content.

You can tap the heat map to see stories from that location.

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Add Stories to Snap Map

In addition to viewing other people’s stories on Snap Map, you can also post your own stories on Snap Map. All you have to do is take a snapshot and share it on Snap Map.

Discover new places

Tapping the Places tray will show you some of the most popular places around your current location. Besides, it shows the places you have favorited or visited recently.

Furthermore, you can tap on a place to display details like address, contact information, ratings, etc.

Customize your Bitmoji

Don’t like your Bitmoji? Well, you can customize it easily by tapping on my Bitmoji option. Choose an activity to let your friends know what you’re up to.

Similarly, you can also tap Change Outfit to find some new clothes for your character.

How to share location directly on Snap Map

In addition to the above, you can also share your live location with friends or family members for a certain period of time, allowing them to track you. This can be helpful when you come home late. Here is how it works.

Step 1: Tap your friend’s Bitmoji on Snap Map to access their profile.

Step 2: In Snap Map, tap Share my live location and choose the time period (15 minutes, 1 hour, or 8 hours) for which you want to share your live location.

Step 3: Your friend will receive a chat message with your live location. Your friend can tap the Share my live location option to share their location with you.

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To stop sharing your location at any time, go to your friend’s profile and tap the Stop Sharing button below Snap Map.

Simple interaction

Snapchat is always innovating with its platform. And it’s features like Snap Map, custom filters, and Only My Eyes that separate Snapchat from apps like Facebook and Instagram. So, what do you think of Snap Map? How do you like it? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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