How to Use Reddit Spoiler Tags on Desktop and Mobile Apps

If you’re a Reddit user, you’ve probably discussed a lot about your favorite movies or shows with other users on the platform. But let’s face it, reading discussions that may contain such spoilers could spoil ongoing series or upcoming movies for others. Luckily, you can use the Reddit spoiler tag on desktop and mobile to hide those posts and comments.

How to use the Reddit spoiler tag

Before we get started, let’s first understand what a Reddit spoiler tag is. Well, it’s a feature on Reddit that helps prevent accidental spoilers by obscuring the original text and images until the reader chooses to reveal it. Using spoiler tags, Reddit users can engage in conversations while caring about their community members. Read on to learn more.

How to do spoiler text on Reddit comments on PC

Reddit allows users to add spoiler tags to text in two ways. Before we go ahead, note that you can only add spoilers to the text inside comments as the platform doesn’t support images or any other medium as comments.

Method 1: Use the Spoiler button

This is the easiest way to add a spoiler alert on Reddit. Follow the steps to find out how.

Step 1: Go to Reddit and log in to your account.

Go to Reddit and log in to your account

Step 2: Navigate to the post you want to comment on.

Step 3: Write your comment, but make sure you don’t hit the Comment button below.

Navigate to the post you want to comment on.

Step 4: Now, select the comment section that you want to mark as spoiler.

Note: Select everything if you want the entire comment to be a spoiler.

choose comment section

Step 5: Click the Spoiler icon (exclamation mark) to mark the selected text as a spoiler.

Click the Spoiler button (exclamation mark)

That’s it. You have successfully added spoiler tags to your Reddit comment. The fun fact is that the spoiler button is just a shortcut to access Markdown mode. Wait, what is Markdown mode? Continue reading.

Method 2: Add spoiler tags using Markdown mode

Markdown is a virtual language that Reddit uses to format elements such as text. This gives us another way to flag spoilers on Reddit. If you’re not using Reddit’s fancy pants editor, this method should help. Follow the steps mentioned below.

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Step 1: Go to Reddit and log in to your account.

Go to Reddit and log in to your account

Step 2: Navigate to the post you want to comment on.

Navigate to the post you want to comment on.

Step 3: Write your comment, but make sure you don’t hit the Comment button below.

Write your review

Step 4: Now click on the Markup Mode button next to Comments.

Click the Mark Mode button

Step 5: Add >! at first and ! at the end of the text you want to mark as spoiler.

Note: You can also add a spoiler tag to the entire comment.

Add type>!  At the top and !< ở cuối văn bản

Step 6: Finally, click the comment button.

click the comment button

Your go. Your comment will be posted with a spoiler tag around the text you’ve surrounded with two Markdown tags. If you don’t have access to a desktop and want to do the same using a mobile device, keep reading.

How to Add Spoiler Alerts on Reddit Comments on Mobile App

Unlike the Reddit desktop, there is only one way to add spoilers on the Reddit mobile app for Android and iPhone, i.e. by using Markdown text. Follow the instructions below.

Note: The steps are the same for both Android and iOS.

Step 1: Open the Reddit app on your device.

Go to Reddit and log in to your account

Step 2: Navigate to the post you want to comment on with a spoiler. When the post is on the screen, tap the Comments icon.

click on the Comments icon

Step 3: Enter the text you want to add as your comment in the text box.

Type the text you want to add as your comment in the text box

Step 4: Now tap on the beginning of the text where you want to add spoiler and type >!

Step 5: Similarly, type ! at the end of the text you want to show as a spoiler.

press the top

type !< ở cuối

Step 6: Once done, click Post.

Click Post

Your go. Your comments in those two Markdown tags will be hidden inside a gray box. Tapping the box will reveal the hidden text inside it.

Also read: Why I can’t upvote or downvote on the Reddit app: 7 ways to fix this

If you want to hide the entire content of a post on Reddit, go to the following method.

How to put spoiler tags on your Reddit posts

Spoiler tags are used to mark an entire post that contains a spoiler. Thumbnails and previews are hidden when a post is marked with a spoiler tag. The user will need to click on the post to reveal it.

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It is important to note that the spoiler tag can be used while creating posts as well as existing Reddit posts. Follow the instructions mentioned below.

On desktop

Step 1: Go to Reddit and log in to your account.

Go to Reddit and log in to your account

Step 2: Click on the text box that says Create Post. You will be taken to the ‘Create Post’ page.

Click on the text box

Step 3: Now, choose the type of content you want to post. Your options are Post, Image & Video, Link, Poll, and Talk.

Note: For the demonstration we will use Post and hide the context inside the post using spoiler tag.

choose the type of content you want to post

Step 4: Once you have selected the type of post you want to upload, click on the Title box and add the appropriate title for your post.

Note: The spoiler tags hide the context inside your post, but the title will still be visible.

click on the Title box and add a relevant title to your post

Step 5: Enter the relevant context you want to share.

Note: You can insert a table, an image or a video using the relevant options in the text box.

Enter the relevant context you want to share

Step 6: When you are ready with your post, click the + Spoiler button below the text box.

click button + Spoiler

This will mark your post as spoiler on Reddit.

Step 7: Finally, click Post to submit it on your profile or your chosen subreddit.

Note: Post types can be restricted based on the subreddit you want to post to. Most subreddits don’t allow you to post Polls and some only allow you to post after you reach certain karmic points.

Click Post to submit

You’ll see a ‘Click to see spoiler’ banner when the post is uploaded. If you have posted images or videos, they will automatically be dimmed and only load when someone clicks on them.

Click to see spoilers

With this, you have successfully published a Reddit post with a spoiler tag. Continue reading if you want to do the same using a mobile device.

On mobile

Adding spoiler tags to Reddit posts on mobile is the same as on desktop (we discussed above). Furthermore, the steps are the same for both Android and iOS. Follow the steps below.

Step 1: Open the Reddit app on your Android or iOS device.

Go to Reddit and log in to your account

Step 2: Click the + Create button in the bottom navigation bar.

Note: You can go to any subreddit of your choice and press the + Create button to trigger post page creation.

Click the + Create button

Step 3: Enter your post title at the top.

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Enter your post title at the top

Step 4: Now, choose the type of post you want to create.

Note: You can choose Text, Link, Image Video and Poll based on the subreddit you want to post to. For demonstration, we’ll go with an image.

choose post type

Step 5: Select the photo you want to post and click Add.

Select image

press More

Step 6: In the Edit Image page, tap Next.

tap Next

Step 7: Select Next and select the subreddit you want to post from the list

Select Next

choose subreddit

Step 8: Once selected, select the spoiler tag and press the Post button in the top right corner.

choose spoiler tag

Click the Post button in the top right corner

The post appears with a spoiler banner at the top when it is uploaded. The content of the post (in our case an image) will automatically be dimmed and will only load when someone taps it.

If you have any questions that we missed in the article, check out the FAQ section.

Frequently asked questions about using the Reddit Spoiler Tag

1. How do you block all leakers?

There are ways you can block all the spoilers on Reddit. First, use Reddit’s built-in spoiler tags as discussed in this article. You can avoid subreddits that could potentially contain revealing content that you want to avoid. Also, use Reddit’s hide feature to hide posts that contain potentially revealing content. This feature allows you to hide individual posts on your Reddit feed without permanently deleting them.

2. How to disable Nsfw on Reddit?

To disable NSFW content on the Reddit Android app: go to Reddit, tap your profile icon > go to Settings from the drop-down menu > navigate to Feed Settings > and disable Adult Content . It’s important to note that disabling NSFW content will also prevent you from viewing subreddits marked as NSFW.

Blurring spoilers on Reddit

Now that you know how to use Reddit spoiler tags, let’s make your browsing and posting experience much more enjoyable. You may also want to read how to unhide posts on Reddit.

Categories: How to

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