Get Android L Heads Up Notifications On Any Android

Notice Notice

One of the most impressive parts of the Android L demo at Google I/O 2014 was the announcement overhaul. Everything from design changes in the notification drawer to notifications on the lock screen is cool. One notable change is the highlight notification feature, where a notification floats above everything else, and you can swipe it sideways to dismiss or tap one of the buttons to take action.

For those who often find themselves in full-screen apps like games and YouTube videos, this will be immensely helpful. And the use case can expand even further. Even if you’re in an app with a visible status bar, when the notification preview disappears, it disappears. You need to pull down from the status bar to access. Having notifications, especially those from chat or email apps show up in apps, can remove a lot of obstacles.

The release of Android L isn’t expected until fall 2014. And even then, the release will be limited to the lucky phones that get the update. You never know when and if your phone will be upgraded to Android L. If you’re after the functionality of showing a notification first, there’s a simple way to implement a version of this functionality on any Android 4.3 or later device (no root required).

Hot Tip: Want to have Android L’s cool new keyboard, shiny new fonts and wallpapers on your device? Check out this post.

Stand up!

Stand up

Stand up! is the app we will use to get this functionality on your device. The developer provided apk free on an XDA theme. If you want to get updates quickly and want to support the developer, you can install the Google Play Store version by paying $0.99.

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When you receive a notification, you can swipe the notification in either direction to dismiss it, or double-tap to open the app.

Note Swipe

How to set up

Download the app from either location and get started.

Touch Begin and you will be prompted to grant the app permission Notification access. After you return to the app, it will ask you to restart your phone to apply the changes.

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After rebooting, the app should work.

White list

Any new notifications will now show up via Heads Up! But you may not want that. Because unlike regular notifications that reside in the notification drawer, Alerts! Notifications by default stay there on the screen until you swipe them away. Dealing with any such notifications can be quite frustrating.

Screenshot 2014 06 30 00 00 16 Border MakerScreenshot 2014 06 29 23 59 47 Contour Maker

This is where the White List comes in handy. From White list -> Add new appsselect the app you want to show on the featured notification.

Go into settings and make sure the option Ignore the whitelist unselected.

Full screen only and more options

If you want the same functionality as the Android L Developer Preview, you can check the option that says Show notifications only in full screen mode.

You can also automatically dismiss notifications after a set period of time.

It is also possible to move the location where the featured messages are displayed.

Are you interested in Android L?

Are you looking forward to Android L? Let us know how you feel about the update in the comments section below.

Categories: How to

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