How to Trace and Locate Stolen Laptop (or Desktop) With Prey

If you travel with your laptop frequently, it’s important that you have an anti-theft or tracking software in place in case your laptop gets lost. We’ve covered several such tools, including software and devices like Bluetooth alarms, in our popular laptop security software post. One of the tools in question is Prey, a piece of software that can track and locate stolen laptops (or even desktops for that matter).

Today, we will talk about Prey in detail and how it works. It comes in both free and professional versions, and fortunately, the free version is good enough (reads “with essential features”) for any of us to install and use.

If you own a laptop, I would go a step further and say that this is the tool you must use.

Let’s see how it works.

Install and Setup Prey . Anti-Theft Solution

Step 1. Download the Prey software and install it. It works on all leading operating systems including mobile operating systems like Android.

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Step 2. Once the installation is done, you need to configure its settings.

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Step 3. It will detect if you are running it for the first time and ask you to set up the reporting method. Click OK.

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Step 4. The Prey Configurator window opens to help you set up the reporting methods and other things.

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Step 5. It gives you a choice between Prey + Console or Standalone Prey. Their web-based control panel is very neat, so I recommend using that.

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Step 6. You will need to register with them and enter your credentials.

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Finally, it will mention that the device is set up and being tracked.

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Now let’s see what its online control panel looks like and what options it offers.

Get familiar with the Prey . dashboard

You can go to and log in with your details.

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You will find your device listed there. Click on the device image or its name to check the options.

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There are several settings, all clearly explained when you hover your mouse pointer over the question mark next to each setting, that help Prey track and locate your stolen computer.

As you can see below it starts with Missing? which is what you have to do and click Save changes when your laptop is lost (I hope you never have to use this option). There is also a report frequency that indicates the time interval between consecutive reports.

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If you scroll down on that page, you’ll see two columns: Information to collect and Actions to take. Under the actions to be taken, you can set up alarms, alerts, lock the device or even remotely wipe data. This tool can collect information such as location, nearby Wi-Fi hotspots, etc.

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It can also take a screenshot of the session and automatically take a picture of the thief using the laptop’s attached webcam.

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There are more settings to be found if you click on Settings in the top navigation bar of that page. These are basically notification settings that you can customize.

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Finally, if you want to set up automatic Wi-Fi connection through Prey, then you will have to go back to Prey Configurator (installed on your computer), then click Manage Prey Settings and check the WiFi auto connect feature.

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Obviously there are some caveats, such as what if the computer never connects to the internet after being stolen? Well, there’s not much you can do in that case as most anti-theft software relies on the assumption that the computer will connect to the internet or be near a wireless hotspot so it can be tracked.

But you can always encrypt your data first so that no one can peek at it, or you can leave your primary laptop at home and just step out with an extra device like a netbook or iPad (or maybe that extra laptop you have) if most of your work happens online. ????

Categories: How to

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