How To Test Windows 7 Online Before Installing It

If you’re using Windows Vista or Windows XP and plan to buy Windows 7, there’s an interesting website for a professional Windows 7 test drive where you can test the look and feel of your new OS before you buy.

It gives you a chance to try out most of its important features like Network, Gallery, Aero Desktop, Taskbar, Power Management etc. You can also test other features like Windows XP Mode, Remote Desktop, Location Aware Printing, Presentation Settings etc.

It requires JavaScript, Internet Explorer, and ActiveX control. When you open the website, it will automatically detect all the settings and prompt you to install all the necessary updates.

Open the Windows 7 Professional Test Drive website. If you want to check out its basic features like the Taskbar, Network, or Aero Desktop, click on the “Get more done” tab.

Windows7Test Drive 1

The tab will expand to show you all the basic features. Click on any feature you want to test. Here I click on “Taskbar” to check all its features.

Windows7Test drive1

After a few seconds, it will pop up a small “NTLM Authentication” window. Check the box next to “Don’t ask me again” and click the “Yes” button.

Ntlm authentication

You will get a screen like in the screenshot below. Check the box next to “Do not show this screen again” and click the “Close window” button.

Windows7Test drive2

You will get a Windows 7 screen. Make a single click on the screen to activate the control. Here you can do all the things you can do on a normal Windows 7 computer. You can create a new file, open a document, hover over the document icons on the taskbar to preview thumbnails, search for any file, etc.

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Win7 2

You can drag any icon left or right to change its position. You can also follow all the instructions given on the right sidebar (shown in the screenshot below). Watch video tutorials (click the video icon) on what you can do to learn about operating system features.

Windows7Test drive4

One feature I’d like to see in this great site is activating Windows shortcuts. We cannot use any keyboard shortcuts in this simulation. Although you can send the main command “Alt+ctrl+del” through the “Action” menu provided at the top of the sidebar.

Try it out and let us know how it works for you.

Categories: How to

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