How to Teach Siri to Pronounce Names it Can’t Get Right

Siri is Apple’s smart assistant, but it sometimes pronounces or misunderstands names. That misunderstanding leads to frustration and sometimes vulgar language. It doesn’t have to go there. Siri can learn, but you need to send it to school.

NosiriknowdogSiri understands the dog, but doesn’t understand your name? Yogesh Mhatre

That’s not how you say it

When you hear Siri mispronounce a name, try to correct it immediately. Tell me”That’s not how you say it.

How difficult is it to speak?

Siri will then ask “How do you pronounce the name?

how do you say

Then it will listen to your pronunciation. After hearing the name, it will thank you for correcting. It then provides three samples based on what it hears. Listen to all three and choose the correct pronunciation.


If Siri still misunderstands, select Speak to Siri again. After a few tries, it’s likely to get it right.

This is how you say

When you train Siri on your iPhone, it still may not work properly. That’s true if your accent is a little hard to understand. You can help Siri by pronouncing the name phonetically. For example, I have a friend named Peony, but her name is pronounced “penny”.


Siri always screwed this up. You can add phonetic names on any device. On iPhone, select the contact and select Edit. Then scroll to the bottom and tap add field. From there, you can choose a first or last name phonetic, depending on the name Siri has trouble pronouncing.

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extra school1phonetic namespelling

Siri understands penny quite well, but I can also add “pen e”.

Not sure how to pronounce it? Check out our guide to websites to pronounce names correctly (including phonetic spelling).

Use Nickname or Title

Siri is stubborn and you may end up having to give in on pronunciation. That’s when the nickname appeared. Just like adding a phonetic name, edit the contact and choose to add a field. Scroll down to the bottom you will see Nickname. That’s where you can give the person a slightly different name without changing the original contact information.


Along with a nickname, a job title can help Siri find the name you want. That field is also available in the add fields section. This is not the title on their business card. Use the field to see how you can call the contact. I have accountants, housekeepers and barbers in that area.


There are some interesting! I sometimes use nicknames to express my opinion about a contact. I’m a Doctor Who fan, so I named my mate a companion. It sounds better to say ‘Please call someone to come with you.’

Get relative

One of the fields in every contact is the related name. This is the section where you specify how the contacts are related. This allows you to ask Siri to “call mom” when you tell Siri who your mom is. To set up this feature, select a contact and tap Editor. Scroll down and select more related names.

Add related name

On the left side, tap the relationship description (mother in this example). iOS will give you a list of potential relationships like mother or partner. If none of the labels match, you can add a custom label.

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After you select the relationship, tap the circle I and find someone that matches that description. In this case I will choose my mother. If all is correct, tap done. From then on, you can refer to the person by the primary contact’s relationship to that person, such as “call my spouse” or “call my brother.”

search name

With a few workarounds and training, you can teach Siri to understand and sometimes even pronounce names.

Categories: How to

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