How to Share Activity on Apple Watch and Compete With Friends

Apple Watch is a useful accessory that helps keep track of your health and fitness level. It’s a great way to measure parameters like pedometer, calorie counter, heart rate, etc. You can also use a number of apps on the Apple Watch and even respond to notifications that make it so. Great companion to your iPhone.

Apple Watch sharing activity

However, a lot of fitness data isn’t really helpful unless you’re working out. With modern lifestyles becoming increasingly sedentary, it’s more important than ever to stay active. Well, your Apple Watch can help you with that. At least to some extent. You can share your Apple Watch activity with friends and get notified each time they complete a workout.

You can also track your friends’ activity progress and compete with them to see who is more active during the day. This can be a motivating factor for many people to start working. Here’s how you can share your activity on your Apple Watch and compete with your friends.

What is Activity Data on Apple Watch

Your Apple Watch continuously measures your daily activities right from the number of steps taken to the number of hours you have spent sitting in the chair. The activity data was then separated into three different rings representing different parameters.

activity ring

The ‘Move’ ring shows how many calories you’ve burned for the day. The ‘Exercise’ ring shows how long you worked out on a particular day. The ‘Stand’ ring represents the number of times you have stood up for at least one minute every hour for 12 hours a day.

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This is what Apple calls the Activity Loop. The goal is to close these rings every day by staying active.

Why you should share your activity data with your friends

If you are unable to stay active and close your Activity Loop every day, sharing data with friends may motivate you to do so. You can compete with your friends who will complete the first Activity Round each day. This contest can act as a motivating factor for you and your friends.

workout announcement

You will be notified every time one of your friends completes an exercise. This might inspire you to take a break from work and go outside for a walk.

How to share activity on Apple Watch

If you and your friends have iPhones and Apple Watches, here’s how you can share your activities and compete against each other.

Step 1: Open the ‘Fitness’ app on your iPhone. If you uninstalled it before, reinstall it from the App Store.

opp activity app for Apple Watch

Step 2: Select the ‘Share’ option visible on the bottom bar in the app.

Share activity preferences

Step 3: Tap the ‘Add contact’ option in the upper right corner of the screen. This will allow you to share your fitness analytics with the people you want.

Add new options

Step 4: Click the ‘+’ icon in the upper right corner to select contacts.

Send an invitation to share the activity

Step 5: Select the contacts you want to share your activity data with, or enter their name in the text field. You’ll need your friend’s phone number or email ID associated with iCloud or iMessage. Then click ‘Submit’.

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Send Invitation

This will send the invite to your friends. After they accept the invitation, you can view their activity data in the ‘Share’ tab in the ‘Fitness’ app.

Shared Activity on Apple Watch

How to compete with friends

Now that you’ve shared your activity data with your friends, you can play against them for a certain period of time and see who was more active during that time. Here’s how you can do it.

Step 1: Open the ‘Fitness’ app on your iPhone.

opp activity app for Apple Watch

Step 2: Go to the ‘Share’ menu at the bottom of the screen.

Share activity preferences

Step 3: Click on the name of the friend you want to compete with.

Shared Activity on Apple Watch

Step 4: You will now see an option that says ‘Compet against XYZ’ where ‘XYZ’ will be your friend’s name. Touch it.

Compete with friends

When you do this, your friend will receive a notification that you have requested to play against them. If you want to compete with multiple friends, just repeat this process for each friend.

You can return to the ‘Share’ screen in the Fitness app whenever you want to see your friends’ fitness data. Even if they see your fitness data on their phone, of course. You can use the ‘Activity’ app on your Apple Watch to check on your friends’ progress.

Shared Activity on Apple Watch

Share your activity and stay active!

If you have a sedentary lifestyle, this is a great way to stay active every day as you will be enthusiastic about doing better than your friends. Competing with friends is always fun and sharing your activity is win-win as it motivates both sides.

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