How to Manage Your Mac’s Fonts With Font Book

Font book guide

Among a number of different characteristics that define a Mac,


perhaps one of the oldest and most distinct.

In fact, the Mac was the first computer to have beautiful, varied, scaled fonts and come pre-installed on every typographic-loving Steve Jobs Mac. However, at the time, this decision was not so popular among tech enthusiasts, but we all know how necessary it is.

Did you know?: Steve Jobs learned about typography after dropping out of college and starting to sneak into classes he really cared about.

Since the Mac was early adopters of fonts along with a number of other elements, font management has always been a strong point of OS X, making it easy for amateur users to manage them thanks to the Font Book application (located in the Applications) is built into every Mac.

Here is an overview of the most important aspects of Font Book.

Basic things

Font Book is divided into three main columns. The Collection the left column shows installed fonts divided by category. The Handwriting the middle column shows all the fonts in your selected collection. Afterward, Preview The box to the far right shows a sample of the currently selected font.

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Preview, install and remove fonts

Occasionally, you may come across a font you like, or you may need to download a font that your Mac doesn’t currently support.

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Once you have the font, all you have to do is double-click it to see a preview in Font book. There you can see all the font types using the drop-down menu at the top of the window or just click Font settings to install it on your Mac.

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Removing fonts is even easier. All you have to do is select the font you want to remove, press the . button Delete on your Mac keyboard and then confirm your selection.

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Sort your fonts by collection

If you have a set of fancy fonts that you want to always have on hand, it’s pretty easy to group them into a collection. All you have to do is click “+” button at the bottom left of Collection panel to create a new collection.

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When you’re done, just drag and drop all the fonts you want into it.

Remove duplicate fonts

One thing about Macs that many owners don’t know is that duplicate fonts can sometimes consume a lot of memory, causing severe slowdowns. You can tell this is your case by using Activity Monitor to see if a process is called “font” is taking up a lot of memory. If that’s the case, removing the duplicate fonts might solve your problem.

To do that, on Handwriting Font Book’s control panel, look for fonts that are yellow Warning sign next to them (this shows they are duplicates) and right click on them. When you do, choose Solve duplicates option to remove duplicate files.

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Your go. Now you know the basics of Font book and will be much better prepared whenever you need to manage your Mac’s fonts and maybe even make it run faster!

Categories: How to

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