2 Advanced File Search Techniques for Your Mac

Advanced Mac Search Tips

Just a few days ago we reviewed some

Very useful basic tip to improve file searching on your Mac



. This time, we’re going to take a look at more advanced file search tips that will let you harness the true power of your Mac’s search capabilities through filters and the many ways they can be used.


1. Add Filters to Search

We showed you in the previous post how you can order finder to search only in the currently open window. This time, let’s see how to use these powerful filters finder support.

Use keywords for search

A lot of Mac users don’t know it finder windows supports keywords to specify the search target. For example, in the search box of any open app finder windows, you can use keywords like type:, to:, date:, from: and more. Used before your search term, these keywords filter your content with great precision.

In the window filter

Using Advanced Filters in Finder Windows

If the above mentioned filter keywords are not enough for you, there are more advanced filters that you can access by clicking Option icon and select Show search criteria select.

Open advanced filter

This will open up a much more detailed filter menu where you can pinpoint the exact type of file or document you’re targeting. This is thanks to the different filter levels the option offers, allowing you to add as many as you want.

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Advanced Filters

2. Save and create shortcuts for your searches

If you frequently search for any particular type of file or document, you can use the advanced search filters mentioned above to have your favorite searches readily available and thus avoid having to sort through. sort all those files manually in specific folders.

To do this, you must first perform an advanced finder Search as shown above. In contrast to Spotlight searches, I found searches made using of the seeker the advanced filters are much more precise, but more importantly, they allow you to save them.

When you create a search you’re happy with, look for Rescue button and click on it. This will save your advanced search as a Smart Folder.

save button

On the dialog that pops up, give your new search a name, choose the location where you want to save it, and also make sure to check Add to Sidebar select.

Add to sidebar

From then on, your search will be instantly accessible from anywhere finder window with just one click. Even better, since these are smart folders, you can tailor your search to be dynamic, which will allow it to stay up to date with the files or documents you care about. For example, you can tell it to only show Word documents edited in the past week. Very powerful and convenient if you ask me.

On the sidebar

Alternatively, by right-clicking that search on the sidebar of any finder window, you can also place it on your Mac’s Dock, edit it, and even rename it, making it even more versatile.

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Add to DockAdded to Dock

That’s it, now you have all you need to always find any file or document on your Mac and all it takes is a few clicks.

Categories: How to
Source: thpttranhungdao.edu.vn/en/

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