How to Manage Partitions on Windows 10

Memory management on your computer is quite essential. You should divide your memory into at least 2 or 3 partitions so that there is a dedicated partition for your operating system and won’t lose data if something goes wrong.

How to manage partitions on Windows 10

Luckily, to manage partitions on Windows you won’t have to look far as it has a Disk Management tool. In this post, we will guide you through the steps involved in creating, deleting, and combining storage partitions on Windows 10. Let’s get started.

How to split the hard drive on Windows 10

If you are looking for a way to partition the hard drive on your PC to separate files, folders, and other data, here’s how to partition the hard drive using the Disk Management tool on Windows.

Step 1: Press Windows Key + R to open the Run utility. Type diskmgmt.msc and press Enter.

Open Disk Management

Step 2: In the Disk Management window, you will see all the current drives on your PC and their capacity. Right-click the drive you want to partition and select Shrink Volume from the list.

Turn down the volume

Step 3: In the following window, enter the space to shrink the drive. Meaning the space you enter here will be the size allocated to the new partition. Here you can also find the drive size before and after shrinking.

When done, click Minimize.

shrink drive

Step 4: After shrinking the drive, you will find the new partition in the Disk Management window titled ‘Unallocated’. To allocate that space to a new volume, right-click on it and select New Simple Volume from the list.

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New simple volume

Step 5: Now, follow the on-screen instructions to start the process. You will be asked to enter the amount of storage to be allocated. By default, it will allocate all the space to the new drive. Then press Next.

New simple volume wizard

Step 6: You will then need to assign a new letter and name the drive. In the format options, select NTFS. Then press Next.

Partition Format

And that’s about it. Now your hard drive is divided into two. You can repeat the same steps above to create more partitions.

How to delete partition on Windows 10

In addition to creating partitions, you can use the Disk Management tool on Windows if you want to delete an existing partition. This is the way.

Step 1: Open Start Menu, type create and format hard disk partition and press Enter.

Create disk partition

Step 2: In the Disk Management window, you will find a list of drives on your PC.

Disk Management Window

Step 3: Right-click on the partition you want to delete and select Delete Volume from the list. Click Yes when prompted.

Remove the division

After you delete it, the partition will be named Unallocated. You can now merge that unallocated storage space onto any existing volume.

How to merge partitions on Windows 10

If you regret dividing your storage space into too many parts, you can also easily merge them using Disk Management or Command Prompt on Windows.

Method 1

Let’s start with the Disk Management tool. To merge partitions, you need to delete one of the partitions to be merged first. So make sure to transfer the data to another drive first. Then delete the partition using the above method.

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Once you have two partitions available, here’s how to combine them using the Disk Management tool.

Step 1: Press Windows Key + X and select the Disk Management option from the resulting menu.

Launch Disk Management

Step 2: In the following window, you will find a list of all the drives on your PC with the amount of storage they hold. Now select the existing partition you want to extend. Right click on it and select Expand Volume.

Expand the volume

Step 3: In the Extend Volume Wizard, add the unallocated space of the deleted volume and click Next, then Finish.

Expand the volume wizard

That’s it. Now both existing and unallocated volumes are merged.

Method 2

Step 1: Open Start Menu, type in diskpart.exe, and press Enter.

Disk section command

Step 2: In the console, type list volume and press Enter. Here you will find a list of all the drives on your PC.

List volume commands

Step 3: To merge two partitions, we need to delete one of the two partitions. To do that, type the following command and press Enter.

select the DiskLetter drive

Replace DiskLetter in the above command with the letter of the partition you want to delete.

Selected disk volume

Step 4: Next, type in delete volume and press Enter. This will delete the partition and make it available for merging.

Delete partition with Cmd

Step 5: Now select the partition that you want to extend. To do that, type the following command and press Enter.

select the DiskLetter drive

Again, instead DiskLetter in the above command with the letter of the partition you want to extend.

Step 6: Finally, type in extend and press Enter.

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Merge partitions using Command Prompt

You should see a message that says ‘DiskPart has successfully expanded the drive’.

Simple storage

Although the Disk Management tool on Windows is quite effective in dividing, deleting and merging partitions, there are still third-party tools available like EaseUS Partition Master, MiniTool Partition Wizard, GParted, etc. So why use it? third party tools? Among all the advantages, these tools are much simpler to use and do not require you to erase or format the drive before splitting or merging.

Categories: How to

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