How to Manage or Work With Multiple Documents On MS Word Productively

Working on multiple documents is not an easy task. Especially when you need to compare, edit and switch between them very often. But if you’re working on MS Word, there are some cool tools that can help you get rid of this complexity.

We will talk about all such tools placed under See tab, in Window part. Let us explore each one and see which of these works for you.

Window tool

Add new window

How do you make a copy of the current document you’re working on? Do you close your document, copy the original, and paste the copy? Now that’s not the best way..Just navigate to See and click New window button. This creates a copy of the current document and opens it in a new Window.

Add new window

Switch Windows

It may not always be pleasant to use the Alt + Tab combination to switch between windows for multiple MS Word documents open at once. Hovering over the taskbar and selecting the required document is also time consuming. An easier and better way is to use Switch Windows The tool shows all currently open documents.

Switch Windows

Sort all

Personally I don’t find it useful but maybe you can use it. Clicking this icon aligns all copies of the current document horizontally. See the picture below.

Sort all

split window

This is a great tool for looking at two different sections (or two different pages) of the same document at the same time. It splits the window (or rather the document) into two halves to get you through. You can manually choose the split position.

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split window

Watch side by side

Have two documents to compare or edit at the same time. When you press this button, you will be asked to select a document that you want to compare with the current one.

Select Compare Document

When done, both documents will appear as vertical splits just like when you split your desktop screen vertically.

Watch side by side

Linked to this function are two other tools:-

Synchronized scrolling: While the name is self-explanatory, let me tell you that you can enable or disable it by clicking on it. When it is enabled, scrolling a scroll bar will scroll both documents together.

Reposition Window: Anytime you may feel the need to maximize one window or minimize the other. Wondering how to bring them back? Click this button and they will be rearranged vertically.


Do you think this piece of tools is great to use when working on multiple documents? I found them pretty cool when I first discovered them. And suggest that you should give it a try too. Don’t forget to let us know which of the above helps you best.

Categories: How to

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