How to Make WhatsApp Sticker Packs on Android

From the moment WhatsApp announced the stickers, dozens and hundreds of sticker apps have appeared in the Play Store with one purpose — to make your chats more colorful and engaging. From superhero stickers to movie star stickers, you’ll find everything. But if you’re someone who likes to stock up on dozens of sticker apps, finding the right pack at the right time can be a tedious task.

How to make Whatsapp sticker packs on Android

So what do you do in situations like these? Do you scroll continuously through the sticker icons until you get to the right one? Or do you just keep the sticker pack so that a single sticker can be used?

It’s almost 2019 and it would be a shame if it really happened. Thankfully, we can create sticker packs for WhatsApp and fill it with our favorite characters, memes and expressions. This way, finding the right sticker is not only easy, but it also saves you the unnecessary trouble of downloading different apps.

Create Whatsapp sticker packs on Android 3

We will divide this article into two parts. The first part will focus on creating stickers with transparent backgrounds. And if the stock images don’t match your taste, we’ll dive into the process of making the backgrounds transparent, then add them as stickers.

Let’s get started.


Download images with transparent background

Thankfully, the Internet doesn’t let you down when it comes to getting your hands on ready-made stickers. There are quite a few legitimate websites dedicated to stickers.

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Create Whatsapp sticker pack on Android 1

One of the many websites that cater to sticker fanatics like me is Stickpng. It has hundreds of different transparent PNG images organized into neat categories. The best thing about this site is that you can find everything from superheroes to cool zombie art and weird facial expressions.

Create Whatsapp sticker packs on Android 2

All you need to do is open the image pack and tap on the Download button. If you want an easy way out, this site is gold.

Another interesting site worth a visit is Pngtree. Although the variety is not as much as Stickpng, you will find some popular categories like Flowers, Ice cream, birthday banners, etc.

Create Whatsapp sticker packs on Android 3

Interesting facts

Create PNG images

If your sticker ideas are more about memes and sayings, chances are the above sites won’t be of much help to you. The trick here is to take a few images and convert them to PNG format as WhatsApp only accepts stickers in PNG format.

That’s where apps like Batch Image Converter and JPEG/PNG Image File Converter come into play. These applications convert JPEG images to PNG.

How to create a Whatsapp sticker pack on Android 2How to create a Whatsapp sticker pack on Android 3

If you have a lot of images to convert, Batch Image Converter will be the application you should use. On the other hand, the JPEG/PNG Image File Converter app does a pretty good job. Both applications have a simple and easy to understand interface.

When it comes to creating stickers from common expressions and sayings, you can take the help of apps like Canva, Typography Master, Curve Text to write text in quirky fonts. Again, make sure to use a white background to make it easier to erase later.

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Create Whatsapp sticker packs on Android 4

One of the best apps to remove image background is Background Eraser. To know how to use this application, you can see the article below.

Once you have downloaded all the images and made the necessary adjustments, divide them into separate folders. That’s because when you export them as stickers, WhatsApp displays them as different sticker packs.

How to create a Whatsapp sticker pack on Android 1Pro tips

Import sticker pack

Now it’s time to import them on WhatsApp as stickers. Personal Stickers for WhatsApp application is the bridge between WhatsApp and the image you have prepared.

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All you have to do is open the app and tap the Plus icon to add them, and that’s it. Talk about customization!

How to create a Whatsapp sticker pack on Android 1

Bonus points: How to make stickers from any photo on Android

Did you know that you can also create stickers from your selfies? Yep, you read that right. Again, the rescue app is the Background Eraser which, as you guessed it, will remove the background and make it transparent.

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You can also add some fun to it by introducing some elements like Goblin Ears, Clown Nose, Big Eyes etc. For this, apps like MSQRD or any app with a set live face filter.

Make them shine

Creating custom WhatsApp sticker packs cuts out a lot of unnecessary images and pictures. After all, you wouldn’t want to scroll through countless stickers while searching for your favorite one, would you? So let’s get organized, okay?

Categories: How to

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