How to Link Paragraphs or Sections in Google Docs

The ability to switch between sections or pages using hyperlinks is one of the many reasons why people love digital documents. Sure, in a short document with a few pages, it’s easy to quickly switch back and forth to find the sections you’re looking for. However, the same cannot be said for longer documents (contracts, reports, dissertations, etc.) that have hundreds of pages. Without internal linking, you’ll be forced to scroll or search words to find sections or paragraphs.

How to link paragraphs or sections in Google Docs

You can add internal links within a document in Google Docs and let readers jump to specific linked sections. That’s useful if you’re creating brochures in Google Docs or creating a custom template.

We’ll cover ways to link paragraphs, specific lines, and create a table of contents in Google Docs.

How to link sections in Google Docs

In Google Docs, you can directly link specific section/chapter titles in a document using the link option. This is the way.

Step 1: Go to the section or chapter of the document you want to link.

Step 2: Now style the title of that section as a title using the Style menu. To do that, move the cursor to the title. Expand the Styles menu from the top and select any of the available header styles.

For example, to apply Heading 1, go to Heading 1 and select the Apply ‘Heading 1’ option. If you want to apply the title without changing the formatting of the text, select the option ‘Update ‘Title 1′ accordingly’.

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Alternatively, you can also use Ctrl+Alt+(Heading Number) to quickly style headings.

Apply Headings in Google Docs

Step 3: Once the headings are created, position and highlight the text to create the hypertext. Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+K to open the link dialog and select the relevant heading name from the list.

Link Title in Google Docs

This way you can easily create ‘Back to Top’ or ‘Go to Conclusion’ links in the document. To remove a hyperlink, tap the blue underlined text and select the ‘Remove link’ option.

How to link a paragraph in Google Docs

It’s easy to link a chapter or section of a document using the Title option. If you want to link a paragraph, line, or word, you can use the bookmarks option in Google Docs. Here’s how you can use it.

Step 1: Open the document in Google Docs. Move the cursor to the specific paragraph or line that you want to link.

Step 2: Now select the Insert menu at the top and select the Bookmarks option from the list. A bookmark icon will appear where the cursor is located.

Insert bookmarks

Step 3: Now go to the text that you want to associate with this bookmark.

Step 4: Highlight the text and use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + K to open the link menu. In there, expand the ‘Title and bookmarks’ option to select the bookmark created in Step 2.

Headers and bookmarks in Google Docs

The linked text will appear as blue underlined text and you will be able to jump to that particular bookmark by clicking on the linked text. To delete a created bookmark, simply tap the bookmark icon next to the text and select Delete.

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How to Create a Table of Contents in Google Docs

Google Docs has a built-in automatic Table of Contents creation function.

Step 1: Style each chapter title that you want to include in the table as headings.

Step 2: Now move the cursor to where you want to add the table. Then click the Insert menu at the top and go to ‘Table of Contents’ to choose between a table with numbers or with links.

Insert Table of Contents in Google Docs

To apply the changes, right-click anywhere on the table and select the option to update or remove from the list.

Bonus: Link a site in Google Docs

Similar to header or bookmark links, you can also add external links to web pages in Google Docs using the link option.

Step 1: Go to the website you want to link and copy its URL from the address bar.

Linking external sites in Google Docs

Step 2: Open the Google Docs document and highlight the desired text to add the link. Right click on the highlighted text and select the Link option from the list. Paste the copied URL into the link box and press Enter.

Add links to external sites in Google Docs

That’s it. You can move the cursor to the blue underlined text to quickly open the linked page.

Navigation-friendly documentation

Linking paragraphs or sections is a useful feature to enrich your documents in Google Docs. That is very useful to solve the problem of navigating and scrolling between sections while working on long documents, brochures, custom templates, etc.

Categories: How to

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