How to Hide Your Desktop Icons In Windows ( Including a Quick Way )

So your Windows desktop is a complete mess – all kinds of files, icons and other things, arranged in the most disorganized way. You know how to organize your desktop but just can’t find the time or patience to do it (don’t worry, it’s not just you).

The only problem here, aside from the obvious lack of productivity when searching for something on the screen, is that you don’t really want your friends, family, or anyone else to see your screen because of its messy and chaotic appearance. So how do we deal with this situation? Yes, hide the icons. You instantly get a clean desktop!

While this is a workaround and not a solution, it still works. And there may be times when you need to quickly hide the icons on your desktop regardless of the fact that it is clean or not.

We will talk about two ways to hide them in this article. Let’s check them out.

1. Always hide icons on your desktop

No problem doing that, right? Looking at a clean desktop icon feels good. Just take a look at my desktop below (the wallpaper is not permanent…I use the slideshow feature in Windows 7 to rotate the wallpaper.)


Hiding desktop icons is pretty straightforward. Just right click anywhere on the desktop (though not on the icon) and go to View -> Show Desktop Icons (uncheck it). When you want to see the icons again, just repeat the process and select that option.


2. Use the fence to quickly hide the icons on the screen

Previously, we talked about Fences, a neat desktop organizer for Windows. This tool has an option to quickly hide desktop icons just by double clicking on it.

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This can help you when you want to protect the content on your screen from prying eyes. My advice though is to never have important/secret stuff on the desktop. It’s better to put it somewhere else, in some other place on the hard disk.

So that’s how you can hide your desktop icons in Windows. Now tell me, is your desktop a mess and you prefer hiding icons than cleaning it up? Be honest. ????

Categories: How to

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