Use Firefox Quick Search for Productive and Speedy Browsing


There are N number of ways an individual can improve his or her browsing experience and speed. While the speed part can always be covered using

keyboard shortcuts

simulate multiple clicks, some other tricks can help you get a better and improved experience.

One such way is to use a browser bookmarklet. There can be many such tricks, some of which you may have discovered in your daily use of the Internet. I tried rendering a few processes for myself to speed up the way I search the internet. And in my attempt to do so, I also realized that there are two parts to it. One is to search for content and retain results (which I do using new tab theory) and the other is to search for text and links on a given web page.

Ctrl F Search

The Ctrl + F option is a quick way to bring up the Search bar and search for text on most browsers. But that doesn’t help me navigate to the links (even if I successfully search for a text/word, I still have to click to open it). So I tried Firefox’s Quick Search feature and here’s what I came up with.

With Quick Search enabled, I no longer have to type Ctrl + F to start searching a web page. I can just start typing and the search will give immediate results.

Quick search

The additional advantage is that if I am searching for a link and the results have it, this method ensures that the link is selected with the result highlighted. Then I can simply press Enter on my keyboard to navigate to the selected link.

And that’s how I can search a site quickly, saving clicks and time to drill down into featured links and URLs. If this interests you, you can read more and learn how to enable this feature in your browser.

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Steps to Enable Quick Search on Firefox

Even if the feature is not permanently enabled, you can use the / key to bring up the Quick Search bar for one-time use. If you want to start with the same thing, consider setting it as the default. Here’s how you do it.

Step 1: Open Firefox and navigate to Firefox (top left orange button) -> Preferences -> Preferences.

Firefox Options

Step 2: Switch to High level tab and scroll to overview sub tab. Tick ​​the checkbox read Search for text when I start typing Under accessibility part. Then click Alright to get out.

Firefox's Advanced Accessibility Options

With this, you’re ready to do a quick text search on any web page and navigate to links without using the mouse.


Quick search is only part of the process. What appeals to me most is the automatic selection of links and when the results are highlighted on them. Do you think this can help you become more productive? Or do you use a different process altogether? Share with us in the comments section.

Categories: How to

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