How to Hide iTunes Purchases from Other Family Members

When Apple introduced Family Sharing, I was reluctant to try it out. I don’t want to give up my privacy to save money. Does everyone in the family need to see what I’ve bought? Thankfully, Apple allows you to hide purchases from other people on your account.

Hiding behind a phoneSometimes you want to hide content on iPhone | Chealion

Why are you hiding everything?

Your first thought might be “adult” style apps, but you might want to hide everything for more innocent reasons. For example, a friend recently purchased a pregnancy app. She still hasn’t told her husband; she will make an elaborate presentation. He found out when updating the app and asked his wife about it. Oi.

The same can be said for any family surprise. My dad bought a puppy care book before I knew we were going to have a puppy. You can think of other potential reasons. This feature will hide app purchases in the purchased list and updates. It will not hide the purchase if it is already on the device.

New to Family Sharing? Check out our guide to sharing Apple purchases in your family.

Hide purchases in iTunes

In the desktop app, open iTunes and click your account info icon. If you are not logged in, it will say Sign in.

account information

Once you’re signed in, select Purchased or Purchased for Family if you’ve enabled that feature. iTunes will show you a list of everything that isn’t hidden.


Select a shopping category. In this case, I want to hide the Lose It weight loss app- I want to keep my weight loss journey private. Select the app because it’s an app and select All.

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That helps you find the app if you didn’t buy it on that computer. If you have multiple apps, selecting sort by Name in the upper right corner will make scrolling easier. That puts all your apps in alphabetical order. If you know the exact name of the app, you can go to the Search for Purchases field in the upper left corner to search for the app you want.

Sort by nameSort purchased

Once you find the app, the hidden feature is not obvious. Place your cursor in the upper-left rounded corner of the app. The pointer will turn into a finger. It’s hard to find. I recommend placing your mouse pointer on the first letter of the application name and gently scrolling directly upwards. When you see the finger, click the app. iTunes will confirm you want to hide the app.


Want to hide more than just apps? For other iTunes content, click a category like Music or Movies and click the X in the upper-left corner of the item.

Hide purchases in iOS

The hidden process takes a few more steps on iOS. It’s even more hidden than iTunes. On iPhone, in the App Store and go to the bottom and tap Updates. At the top of the screen is Purchased or My Purchases. On iPad, the Purchased option is a separate icon at the bottom


Tap that and you’ll see a list of purchased items. Similar to iTunes, the easiest way is to tap the All field to find your purchase. To search for an app, scroll down and you’ll see Search. In this example, I didn’t want my family to know we were planning a trip to San Francisco, so I searched all the San Francisco apps.

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To hide the app, swipe left and the HIDE option will appear. Unlike in iTunes, you won’t get hidden apps notifications. The app just disappears.

Want to hide purchases from Google Play? We also have a guide for that.

Restore hidden purchases

In iTunes, click your name in the upper-left corner, just like you did before. Select Account Info and then in the middle you’ll see Hidden Purchases. Select Manage and then you will get a list of purchase categories on the right hand side. In this example, I will use the weight loss app Lose It! and unhide it.

I tune in the cloud

You probably won’t need to search for the purchase name, as most people don’t hide more than a few purchases. Below the purchase, is the Unhide option. Click that box and the app will be available for download on other devices and to other family members.


Apple does not currently allow you to restore hidden purchases from an iOS device. In some logical ways, since mobile devices are at risk of being lost or stolen.

Again: This will not hide it from devices that have it installed. If you want to keep your purchases private, turn off Automatic Downloads on all shared devices.

Hiding purchases from other family members is one way to keep things private and still save money. Apple doesn’t make hiding content easy, but there are options.

Categories: How to

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