How to Group and Ungroup Columns in Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel lets you arrange data, organize it, and even engage in data visualization. The data entered into an Excel spreadsheet can be limited to a few cells or span several cells and will not affect its range of functions. However, having to navigate several rows or columns of data can prove tiring for the user. One way to manage this is to group and ungroup the columns or rows depending on whether you are using them.


In Excel, you can group several rows together and also create subgroups. By doing so, you can better manage your spreadsheet for easier navigation. Here’s how to do so:

How to Group Columns in Microsoft Excel

The Data tab in Microsoft Excel has a lot of data management tools, including a grouping tool. Here’s how to use the Group tool to group columns in Microsoft Excel.

Step 1: Click the Start button on the Taskbar to open the Start menu and type excel to search for the app.

Step 2: From the results, click on the Microsoft Excel app or workbook to open it.

Step 3: On the Excel workbook, select the rows or columns you would like to group. You can do this by holding the Ctrl key on your keyboard and selecting the row numbers or column letters.

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Step 4: On the Excel Ribbon, tap the Data tab.

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Step 5: Click the Outline dropdown.

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Step 6: Click the Group dropdown from the options shown.

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Step 7: Select Group. The selected rows or columns should now be grouped.  

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Step 8: Select the – sign at the top of the columns or beside the rows to collapse the group. You can also select the + sign at the top of the columns or beside the rows to expand the group.

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After creating your group, Excel will assign a number to this group to represent its level. Your main spreadsheet with all the rows and columns is level 1. The first group in the spreadsheet is tagged level 2. Any further sub-group created will be tagged level 3 and so forth.

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Note: When creating multiple groups, leave a row or column in between. If not, Excel will put them in the same group.

How to Subgroup Columns and Rows in Microsoft Excel

You can create a subgroup within a group in your Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Excel will represent this new group as an additional level with collapse or expand signs. Here’s how to create a subgroup.

Step 1: From your grouped columns or rows, select the ones you would like to create a subgroup from.

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Step 2: On the Excel Ribbon, tap the Data tab.

Step 3: Click the Outline drop-down.

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Step 4: Click the Group drop-down from the options shown.

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Step 5: Select Group. The selected rows or columns will be grouped.  

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An easy way to tell if there are multiple groups or subgroups within an Excel spreadsheet is to look out for multiple collapse or expand signs. You can also look out for the telltale level 3 number.

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How to Ungroup Columns and Rows in Microsoft Excel

To ungroup columns and rows in Microsoft Excel is quite straightforward and similar to the steps you follow to group them. Here’s how to do so:

Step 1: Select the group of rows or columns you would like to ungroup. 

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Step 2: On the Excel Ribbon, tap the Data tab.

Step 3: Click the Outline dropdown.

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Step 4: Click the Ungroup drop-down from the options shown.

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Step 5: Select Ungroup. The selected rows or columns will be ungrouped.  

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Fixing the Not Working Excel Scrollbar

When working with Excel, the app may be slow or even fail to respond to actions. An example is when you cannot scroll up or down on a spreadsheet. In this instance, there might be various causes is accidentally enabling scroll lock.

Categories: How to

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