How to Get iOS 9’s Picture in Picture on Your Mac

The iPad version of iOS 9 has a great picture-in-picture feature that lets you watch videos and keep a mini-player on the screen while you’re browsing other apps. This means you can start viewing something and not have to leave it behind when doing something else like browsing social media. It’s a really nifty feature for power users on the iPad, but it’s something Apple never thought it would add to the Mac. But as always, we have a solution.

Shutterstock 293731811Maintaining YouTube even after switching browser tabs is now a reality | Photo: Alexey Boldin / Shutterstock

How convenient would it be to scroll a YouTube video through the rest of your browser tabs so you can keep watching while scrolling through tweets or, for example, writing a Tech Guide article? Just kidding, dear reader, you have my full attention! So with that, I’d like to introduce Fluid Browser, the picture-in-picture app for Mac.

Use the Flexible Browser for Picture-in-Picture

Fluid Browser is a brand new app in the Mac App Store that not only brings picture-in-picture capabilities to the Mac, but essentially lets you overlay any web page on top of another window. It costs $2.99 ​​but trust me, it’s arguably one of the best few that you’ll spend on a Mac app. So first, download it from the Mac App Store.

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Now all you have to do is open the Fluid Browser. It works like a normal browser, so visit any website you want. For best results, try going to YouTube and watching a YouTube video — possibly a video from Guiding Tech. When you click on a video, it automatically zooms in to fill the Liquid window.

See more:  How To Create A Lightweight Web Page In Seconds – Guiding Tech

Screenshot 2016 02 24 At 12 57 18 am

Start playing it, then click from Fluid to another window. You’ll notice the video continues to play and the browser is pinned above any other apps you’re running. Also, the menu bar at the top will disappear so you have nothing but content to enjoy while multitasking.

Liquid tips and tricks

Now that you’ve seen how easy it is to use picture-in-picture mode on your Mac, it’s worth noting that some of Fluid’s extras can make the experience even better. First, you can adjust the Fluid app’s opacity so that your content becomes transparent and blends in with your background as much or as little as you like. Just click opacity at the top right of the window and move the slider up or down according to your preference.

Note: Screenshot 2016 02 24 At 12 58 05 AM

On the right, you’ll also see that Fluid isn’t just limited to playing web videos. You can upload any image, video, or PDF from your computer to view in Fluid and display on your other apps. Just click Upload icon to do this.

Liquid Browser Picture In Picture Mac Ios 5

Finally, Fluid isn’t even limited to media. Yes, you can certainly watch lots of videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Netflix and countless other sources, but you can also display any web page to keep it at the top of your other windows. Liquid can also be useful if you’re trying to copy and paste text from a web page into an email or document.

It’s hard to believe how many tasks are simplified or made possible by picture-in-picture.

SEE ALSO: The Only YouTube Chrome Extension You’ll Ever Need

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Categories: How to

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