How To Create A Lightweight Web Page In Seconds – Guiding Tech

Txti . Finals

There are many different ways to put up text on the internet. You’ve got Facebook, Twitter, WordPress, Medium, Tumblr and of course how to create your own website.

If you just want to write something quickly and accessible to anyone in the world, your best bet is to post it on a blog or a website. But then you have to sign up for an account, deal with the cluttered menus and extras, do some tweaking, and finally upload it.

There is a much faster way to do this. If you just want to share some text, there is a simple website called This can be especially helpful if you want to communicate with people in developing countries. Many countries in Africa and Asia still do not have high-speed internet. Your favorite blog with high resolution images may not even open on their Java mobile.

You know what will though? Plain and simple text.

How to create a website with tcti

Step 1: Visit the website tti.

Blank content Txti1

Step 2: Enter a title for the page. This will show up in your browser’s title bar.

Step 3: Enter any text you want to enter Content box. You can just enter plain text or use Markdown. Markdown is a simple markup language for the web. You can see which formats are supported in tcti.

Txti Cotent to use1

The basic Markdown format consists of wrapping a word in an asterisk for italics and two asterisks for bold. You can also use the # sign before a sentence to make it a title.

If you don’t want to do any formatting, that’s fine too. Just enter plain text.

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Step 4: Choose your custom URL. The website will be hosted on tti servers and will be assigned a random short URL by default. But you can change that to whatever you want. For example, if you select “anywhere in the world”, the complete URL will be

Txti made 2

That’s it. Agree to the terms and conditions, click Save your text and your website will be created. You are free to send this link to whoever you want.

The next page will show you the link to your site and where you need to go in case you want to edit it.

You will need a code to make any edits. Copy the code in a safe place or email it to you from the email box at the bottom of the page.

You can collaborate with others on the tcti website. Just send them the link and edit code.

How will you use tcti?

This free tool can be used for just about anything text-related you can think of. So how do you think you will use this amazing tool? Let us know in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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