How to Use Activity Monitor to Optimize Mac’s Battery

When using a Mac, you can sometimes experience sudden slowdowns or overheating. Most of the time, we consider this to be ‘inevitable’ and proceed to restart our Mac or wait for a while until everything is back to normal.

Mac Activity Monitor Energy and PerformanceOptimize your Mac’s power usage. (via Shutterstock)

However, if you take some time to consider what’s going ‘behind the scenes’, you’ll find that very often, the reason behind these crashes and slowdowns can be pretty easy to pinpoint. determined, allowing you to solve the problem or at least be prepared to prevent it in the future.

To do this, you’ll use Activity Monitor, a free utility that’s available on all Macs and offers a pretty thorough way to analyze performance thanks to its five tabs, each measuring a different metric. specifically.

Let’s take a closer look at each of these tabs.


The CPU tabs are probably the most important tabs to consider when having problems with your Mac. This dashboard can help you pinpoint any processes that might be negatively impacting your Mac’s performance. These include things that consume too much battery and things that also cause overheating.

Activity Monitor Cpu Tab

The ‘%CPU’ column is definitely the one you’ll want to use here, as sorting your data this way will immediately tell you which processes could be the culprits affecting your performance. .

Activity Monitor Cpu . Tab Rate

Unused apps and processes should always stay one percent or less, and most apps that you actually use shouldn’t go beyond the lower two-digit range. If you see any processes exceeding those ranges, then you may have found the culprit for that performance drop.

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The Memory tabs, while less important, are still important. It shows the memory distribution for all the applications running on your Mac, which directly affects its startup drive.

Activity Monitor Memory Tab

Equally important, however, is the bottom panel. Here you’ll get some very important information at a glance: Like the total amount of memory available on your Mac and the memory used so far. If you find that your Mac’s memory usage is nearing its limit, the apps responsible for this are usually one or two at the top. Memory column.

Activity Tracking Memory Tab Bottom


The Energy tab is the tab most closely associated with battery usage. When sorted by the ‘Energy Impact’ column, it shows you the percentage that different apps are affecting battery consumption.

Energy tab activity tracking

This can come in quite handy, especially if your Mac isn’t plugged in, as you can use this information to close the apps that are draining the most battery.

Hot Tip: Some apps in this tab, like Safari, will even tell you exactly which tab is giving you trouble.

Energy App Nap Activity Monitor

App Nap is another important column here. Some apps that use this feature often update even when your Mac is in Sleep Mode. You can use this table to see which apps use App Nap and then disable the feature.


The plate The main function of the tab is to show you how much data is being written to your disk as well as how much data has been read. As a result, it usually has very little effect on the performance of your Mac.

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Activity Monitor Disk Tab


While it may not provide information about the direct impact on your Mac’s performance, Network shows the amount of data sent and received by different running applications.

Network tab activity monitoring

This can be quite useful, as certain applications that rely almost entirely on the network to function (like Dropbox or torrent clients) can start to gobble up Energy and CPU as data consumption increases. theirs increases.

Optimized and ready

And that’s summarizing for now. Next time your Mac has performance issues or starts draining battery too quickly, it could be a faulty process causing it. Thankfully, you now know exactly how to look for such problems.

Categories: How to

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