How to Gain Early Access to Unreleased Apps on Play Store

If you’re one of those people who likes to be the first to get their hands on apps before anyone else among your friends and try them out, we’ve got something for you today.

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This easily overlooked tip will get you early access to unreleased apps available on the Google Play Store.

Having access to these apps not only puts you at the forefront of many upcoming app projects, but it also helps the developers as the apps are still under development and any feedback from you. will be warmly received.

Also read: 10 useful Play Store app tips and tricks for power users.

The Google Play Store has a section dedicated to unreleased apps called ‘Early Access’.

Are these apps safe to use?

The apps found here are coming soon but are still unfinished versions of the final product and most likely they are unstable.

If that frustrates you, allow me to rephrase it. The apps are safe to use, but there may be some bugs that affect smooth use.

However, using these apps will give you a decent idea of ​​what’s coming in the Play Store, and if you choose to leave feedback regarding the issues encountered, it will help the developer. develop a better version of the application.

How to find early access apps in the Play Store?

Open the Play Store homepage; you will find tabs like Top Leaderboards, Games, Genres and many more floating below the top highlights on the app.

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You will find out Early access option Among those tabs by swiping right, touching it.

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Early access takes you to a new window in the Play Store app that gives you the option to install and test a range of unreleased apps and games in development.

You won’t find many apps in this section, and the apps there all have a disclaimer that says ‘This app is in development. It may be unstable’.

Don’t confuse this with Google’s beta program for apps that have been publicly released on the Play Store.

The beta program allows existing apps to better understand potential future updates to their apps through feedback from users who signed up for the program.

Do you want early access to apps on Android? Have you used Early Access before? If so, what apps have you downloaded and do you like them? Let us know in the comments below.

Categories: How to

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