How to Flash Stock Firmware on Windows Mobile

This is the background of the story that led me to this article. One of my friends is an avid Windows Phone fan and he really wants to use the brand new Windows 10 on his phone, but isn’t ready to wait for the official release. He wants me to install Windows 10 Technical Preview using my Windows Insider account, which he then resets and uses his account. Everything went smoothly, we updated the phone to the latest version of Windows 10, rebooted the phone and made sure everything was working fine.

Windows phone

But things went awry when we tried to reset the phone. It turns off the power, restores the device, has a gear icon, but it doesn’t go away forever. In fact, I get a sad smiley face after the Microsoft logo and then the phone fails to boot. We have tried soft and hard reset using the power and volume down buttons, but to no avail.

So as a last resort we think of flashing the phone and that’s what I will talk about in this article.

Flashing Windows Phone to Factory Settings

Note: This should be a last resort before you even think about sending your phone to a service center. You will require an internet connection on the computer on which you are flashing the phone and the file will be downloaded directly from the tool. Get ready for a huge download.

Step 1: Download Windows Phone Recovery Tool, currently only supported for Windows 7 and 8. Not sure about Windows 10, but you can definitely try. The application will be installed on your computer, just follow the on-screen instructions.

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Windows Phone Recovery

Step 2: The application will ask if you are an HTC or Lumia device. Select the appropriate option and the tool will start detecting your phone. The thing to note here is, if your phone is stuck at the spinning gear icons, it will most likely not be detected by the app. Try restarting the phone by pressing volume down + power button and it should be detected when you are on the Microsoft logo screen.

detected phone

Step 3: As soon as your phone is detected, select the firmware you want to install. Most of the time, it will be the latest version that will be available. For my phone i.e. Microsoft Lumia 540 the size of the download file is about 1.66 GB which is huge. So be prepared with a high-speed connection or a long wait.

Download packSettings1

Step 4: Once the firmware is downloaded, it will be flashed to the phone. You must click install software button to flash your phone. It will take a few minutes to flash the ROM. A red screen on the phone will confirm that the firmware is flashing.


Now your Windows phone should be as good as new and if you have a brave heart, go ahead with what you’re doing. Now you have nothing to lose because you know what to do, just in case. My friend is now successfully running his phone on Windows 10. We had to update and reset the phone but this time we had no problems.


As I said earlier, this should be your last resort when nothing else seems to work and you don’t want to go to the service center. The process is pretty straightforward, but if you run into any issues, bring it up in our discussion forum. Also, tell us what is causing the error, maybe we can help.

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Categories: How to

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