How to Fix Sudden No Sound or Audio Issue in Windows

A few days ago, while watching a movie on my laptop, when the music changed, I couldn’t hear any sound from my speakers. At first I thought there was a problem with the video itself but when I couldn’t get the audio for any of the media files I concluded that the problem was somewhere on my end i.e. in the computer. It’s time to fix the problem, which I always look forward to.

Audio device error

How to fix the problem

Troubleshooting is a step-by-step process. The first thing I check is the power to the external speakers and if I can hear sound on my laptop. Since I can’t get any sound on my laptop speakers either, that confirms that there is some problem in the laptop (hardware or software).

Next thing I check is if the driver is installed and the audio output source is correct. To do so, open Control Panel–>Sounds. First, check that your audio driver is installed and that it is the default playback device. It can sometimes go wrong like Windows being able to connect to services like Bluetooth audio if you configured that service one day, thus routing all audio to the Bluetooth gateway.

Sound Control Panel

If this does not show any devices in the list, there may be some problem with the device driver. You should download the latest version of the audio driver and install it on your system to solve the problem. However, none of the above tricks were able to solve my problem and the last thing I thought might have gone wrong was the Windows Audio Service.

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Run the service

Windows Audio is a Windows service that manages audio for Windows-based programs. If all these services are stopped for any reason, the audio devices will not function properly. To troubleshoot audio services, open the run command and launch services.msc. In the services window search for Windows Audio and right click on it select Start to start the audio service.

Start audio service


In my case the problem was resolved but if none of the above were able to restore your Windows sound, then I’m afraid the problem isn’t just driver and software related. I suggest you call a guy from the service center and let him look into the problem. However, you can always discuss your issues with us using the comments section.

Categories: How to

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