Make Top Row, Left Column or Panes Non-Scrollable in MS Excel

Pictures of Msexcel2007

Whenever we create

excel sheet

we usually name each column and sometimes, the whole row. our intentions behind

create title

is that we (and those with whom we share our sheet) can easily understand the data matrix and the data within it.

However, there is a flaw in just doing so much. If you look closely, you’ll notice that the headings scroll away as you scroll the document (downward or leftward). So what’s the importance of headings if you can’t have them all the way through? Well, you can and that’s what we’re going to tell you today.

But before we continue, let’s take a look at my sample dataset (left image) and how the headers hide as I scroll my sheet (right image).

Data in Excel

MS Excel provides a specialized tool that allows you to freeze cells in your document so that they do not scroll and remain above the viewable area at any time. Towards See tab and highlight on Freeze panes tool. Let us take a look at each of those options.

Freez table in Excel

Freeze the top row

When you select this option, the top row of your Excel sheet will have the non-scrollable property. This means that when you move the vertical bar downwards, minus the top row will scroll with the scrollbar. Compare the image below with the image shown at the top of the article; note the scroll positions.

Header scroll intact

Fixed first column

We don’t always have titles for rows viz. leftmost column. But when we do so, it is important to get the same attribute for the whole column. Selecting this option will always preserve the first column. Again take a look at the image below and compare with the previous images.

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Fixed scroll column

Freeze panes

This option is quite interesting and it fulfills the need to make many rows and columns non-scrollable. There is a small process to follow to make this work. For example, if you want to display the first two rows and two columns using this option, then you will have to select the third row and third column count cell.

Select cell

Then navigate to View -> Prevent Freeze and click Panes freeze. The image shows how the result will work. Compare it with others for better understanding.

Panes . Fixed Roll

Freeing the compartment

Nothing is complete without contrast. If you have the privilege of freezing rows and columns, you can also unfreeze them. In any case, if you have applied any freeze tool and then you navigate to View -> Prevent Freeze you will see that the first option in the list has changed and it allows you to Freeing the compartment.

Unfreez Panes


I do this on most of my sheets, especially when the data ruler is larger than my screen area. Not only does it make my job easier, but it also helps the people with whom I share my documents. Will it help you? Let us know in the comments section.

Categories: How to

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